Israel confirms the killing of a female soldier hostage in Gaza. Hamas video

Israel confirms the killing of a female soldier hostage in Gaza.  Hamas video

According to the Israeli Defense Minister, Hamas no longer controls the Strip. After the concern of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, Biden requests the protection of hospitals

El Foggio: Everything that is useful to know – and nothing more – to understand what happens after the Hamas attack on Israel

Guterres: “deeply disturbed by the horrific situation” in Gaza for Israel “does not deserve to be UN president”

The spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, said that Guterres was “deeply disturbed by the current situation.”The terrible situation and huge loss of human life in many hospitals in GazaThe spokesman added: “In the name of humanity, the Secretary-General calls for an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian reasons.” Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said in a press conference in Geneva in this regard: “Guterres does not deserve to be president of the United Nations.” He added, “Guterres does not encourage any peace process in the region,” dropping some hints about his closeness to Iran. Guterres’ spokesman responded, “The Secretary-General continues his calm and focused work in difficult circumstances, based on the principles of the United Nations Charter and international humanitarian law.”

Netanyahu: “We are working tirelessly” to secure the release of the hostages

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu He said he was working “nonstop to release the hostages” held by Hamas in Gaza. Netanyahu said shortly after US President Joe Biden announced that he believed an agreement to release the hostages “will happen.” According to the Israeli Prime Minister, increasing pressure from the Israeli ground campaign inside Gaza “is helping to move things in the right direction.”

Biden: “Hostages will be released.” “Wait, we’re coming”

While the Israeli Minister of Defense Benny Gantz The US President said in a press conference, “Even if a ceasefire is necessary for the return of our hostages, the war will not stop.” Joe Biden expressed optimism about the release of the hostages Before leaving to attend the summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in San Francisco. I believe the hostages will be released. President Biden told the families of more than 200 hostages who have been taken, he has this message: “Wait, we’re coming”. Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, in Geneva with a delegation of the families of the kidnapped, said that Israel claims that it has “no evidence” that the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza are “alive.”

Hostage families walk from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip have begun a five-day march to demand the release of their loved ones. Israel claims that more than 240 people were kidnapped by terrorists during the October 7 attack.

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The march will cover a distance of 70 kilometers separating Tel Aviv from the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. One participant told Reuters news agency: “We are walking towards the prime minister to shout to him that we want them to go home now.”

The Israeli army: “seized other Hamas institutional buildings in Gaza City”

The Israeli army took control of several Hamas government buildings in the Sheikh Ajlin and Al-Rimal neighborhoods in Gaza City. Among the sites controlled by the Israeli army are the Hamas parliament, its government complex, and the police headquarters. An Israeli army spokesman announced that the 7th Army Brigade and the Golani Brigade Today, they also took control of the governor’s house in GazaHamas police headquarters and offices, Hamas Intelligence Division offices, as well as other locations that were used to prepare for the October 7 attack, Building the College of Engineering at the University of Gazawhich “served as an institute for weapons production and development,” and another Hamas compound that included a training base, a command center, interrogation rooms, and detention cells.

Israel confirms the death of the Israeli soldier held hostage by Hamas, Noa Marciano. The Palestinian group had published a video clip

The Israeli army announced the death of Israeli soldier Noa Marciano, who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7. The 19-year-old girl on the day of the terrorist attack He served near Kibbutz Nahal Oz. Yesterday, the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas, released a propaganda video of the soldier: a clip that showed her speaking to the camera four days after she was taken hostage. The next clip then moved to some pictures of his body. According to Hamas, the girl died as a result of an Israeli army airstrike on November 9. The Israeli army has not yet clarified the causes of death, but it recognized Noah Marciano “Like a soldier captured by a terrorist group,” the Times of Israel wrote.

Israel: We are organizing the transfer of incubators to Gaza

The Israeli army said in X that it is in the process of “coordinating the transfer of some incubators from a hospital in Israel to Gaza.” The Israeli army also posted on social media Record a conversation Between a liaison officer and the director of Al-Shifa Hospital regarding Transporting 37 incubators, four respirators and other equipment Urgent medical care. Admiral Daniel Hagari, an IDF spokesman, said Israel would provide assistance in evacuating the afflicted children from recovery to a “safer hospital.”

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Canadian-Israeli activist Vivian Silver died in the October 7 terrorist attack

Vivian Silver, a 74-year-old Canadian-Israeli, was a founding activist for Women for Peace Women make peace The Arab-Jewish Center for Women’s Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation: He devoted his life to the struggle for Palestinian rights. He had lived on Kibbutz Be’eri since the 1970s. When I moved from Winnipeg, According to the Israeli army, she was kidnapped by Hamas militias on October 7. Until yesterday he was on a hostage list, but today his remains were identified and found in his home. She never moved from there, and was killed by Hamas militiamen on the morning of the attack. That morning, Vivian was on the phone with her son Yonatan Zegen: also an activist in northern Israel, who in recent weeks has made numerous calls for a ceasefire. Who said? After learning from his mother to seek peace above all else.

Netanyahu: If we do not win now, Europe and America will be the next targets for Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News He said America could be “next” if Israel does not neutralize Hamas. “We must win to protect Israel. We must win to protect the Middle East. We must win for the civilized world. This is the battle we are fighting.” “If we don’t win now, Europe will be next and you will be next. We have to win.” He said. Netanyahu stressed that “our battle is your battle” and that “there is no alternative to victory.” She has too He repeated his promise not to cease fire without releasing the hostages. He described this as a “surrender to Hamas” if the Israeli prisoners were not returned safely.

Israel says Hamas has lost control of the Strip

Israeli army soldiers storm the parliament headquarters in Gaza, as seen in a photo posted on social media Taken from The Times of Israel. The picture shows soldiers from the Golani Brigade carrying three Israeli flags and sitting between the seats where Hamas has been sitting since 2007. According to the same newspaper, the same forces entered the headquarters of the Hamas military police this morning.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant claims that Hamas has lost control of the Gaza Strip.

Washington Post: An agreement to release the hostages is close

An Israeli official told The Washington Post that the agreement between Israel and Hamas, which includes the release of some hostages, is nearing completion and could be announced within days. “The broad outlines of the agreement are clear,” the official was quoted as saying, as the hostages will be released in groups, in exchange for the release of Palestinian women and youth detained in Israel.

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Israel would have requested the release of 100 women and children hostages, but Hamas would have said it was prepared to release only 70 of them. The American newspaper adds that Israel would also be open to a temporary ceasefire that would last for a maximum of five days in order to achieve a ceasefire. Allow safe passage of hostages out of the Gaza Strip and the flow of aid to civilians in the Strip.

Biden says: “Gaza hospitals must be protected”

Speaking from the Oval Office to reporters on Monday evening, US President Joe Biden said that “hospitals in Gaza must be protected,” and that his “hope and expectation” is that there will be “less intrusive hospital measures.” Biden’s words come after the concerned voices of the World Health Organization and the United Nations, which spoke yesterday about the collapsed situation.

The World Health Organization said that more than half of Gaza’s hospitals – 22 out of 36 – are now “non-functional”. According to the World Health Organization, this is due to “fuel shortages, damage, attacks and insecurity.” The UN agency added that the remaining 14 hospitals had “barely enough supplies” to support life-saving surgeries and provide hospital care, and called for an immediate ceasefire.

In the United States, the debate over support for Israel is turning into a liberal revolt against Trump. We wrote about it here.

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What is happening in Gaza’s hospitals?

The invasion of Gaza City reaches its peak at the hospital borders. The goal of the Israeli soldiers is to empty it completely before entering the Hamas military subway, which will have one of its vital junctions under the largest hospital complex in the Strip, Al-Shifa Hospital, which has reached the breaking point.

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