Irene solutions to deal with expensive electricity and gas bills

Irene solutions to deal with expensive electricity and gas bills

As ARERA announced at the end of last year, a more From 65% from the electric bill and 59.2% of the natural gas bill. This trend reflects fluctuations wholesale energy markets, which always has repercussions on the actual price billed to end consumers, in particular upside down From International Quotations for Energy Raw Materials Born in carbon dioxide price.

Precisely for this reason government intervention, which was later included in the budget law for 2022 and is equal to about 4 billion euros, which will help contain the expensive bills by reducing the percentage increase to 55% For light bills and al 41.8% For gas bills during the first quarter of 2022 (forecasts refer to the typical family under protection).

So, even though it was avoided worst case scenarioHowever, it appears that these increases will affect millions of users. the Irene Group So I decided to start an intense dialogue with associations and consumers (the number of served customers is about 2 million, between the free and the protected market) with the aim of mitigating the increase in energy prices.

Various solutions have emerged, most of which are already in place, which will result in total savings of 270 million euros For families in the free market.

for the first time Pay bills in installments, allowing the total amount to be diluted in various installments to be paid in the months following the initial expiration date, taking into account the specifications given by the supplier. Iren has always suggested this payment option to her customers and it has been renewed with Greater terms of service As a sign of commitment to the end users.

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Moreover, thelight show Call “fixed and low‘, provides a price for the energy component Closed for 12 months from activation It can be taken into account by all users who wish to protect themselves from further unfavorable changes in the price of PUN during the 12 months following subscription.

the customer care In all touch points that include the company and customers, such as local branches (enriched in 2021 with 6 additional units), toll-free number, website and social networks. this way relationship Between Iren and its users – current and potential – a stronger and more present bond is being renewed, increasing efficiency and proactivity.

Finally, the web platform and theIrenYou . app Updated and experienced implementation New Jobs, ready for completion in early 2022 which will help implement Online billing installments In a practical and intuitive way.

Irene’s Duty Free Advantages

Thanks to the new initiatives, it will be possible not only to obtain savings Tangible in the invoice, but also one Optimized Payment Management that it Better customer support.

In fact, Iren users who joined Free electricity market, and also take advantage of offers a closed price, has not seen significant increases yet, but on the contrary managed to benefit from a Average savings year on year (Calculated from the first half of 2021 to the first half of 2022) approx 170 euros per user.

to me gas component the Average savings year on year of customers served in the free market (about 650 thousand) and counted over the same time horizon – according to estimates – higher, approx. 270 euros per user.

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also mechanism Payment in installments It can be particularly useful, especially if the complex historical moment affecting the energy sector on a global level is considered.

the customer care It will then help users not only to activate offers, but also resolve any doubts about users and – together with online systems – will allow faster and more effective interaction.

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