Iran launches an attack with 100 drones towards Israel

Iran launched this Saturday evening An attack with more than a hundred drones against Israelas reported by sources in the Israeli army and later confirmed by Iranian state television and the White House.

The Israeli army spokesman announced that “Iran launched several drones from its territory towards Israel.” Daniel Hageryshortly after ten o'clock on Saturday night.

These drones, according to military sources. It will take a few hours to reach Israel: Arrival is expected around 2:00 AM Israel time.

Hajari noted that Israel is working side by side “with the United States and its partners in the region.”Designed to intercept drones.

The army has come forward with this Sirens will sound In any threatened area.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu formed the war government Midnight today in Kirya in Tel Aviv, where the Army General Command is based.

Israeli television CH 12 reported that Iran also fired cruise missiles at Israel, which would take less time to reach Israeli airspace. This information was confirmed by Iranian television, talking about a “major attack with drones and missiles.”

Israeli television claims that some of these 100 drones were actually shot down from Syria and Jordan, before they approached Israeli airspace.

Israel, Lebanon and Iraq close their airspace

Shortly after the drones were launched. Israel announced the closure of airspace From 2:15 a.m. local time. Previously, just minutes after the Iranian attack, Iraq It also closed the airspace. Lebanon and Jordan They also decided to close their airspace for security reasons.

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Israeli state airline, The airline canceled 15 scheduled flights For this Saturday and this Sunday. Among the affected destinations are Barcelona, ​​Paris, Rome, Milan, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Dubai and Moscow, the airline announced.

Syria and Lebanon are on alert

In the face of the drone attack on Israel and the increase in military tension in the region, Syria has placed its ground-to-air defense systems on high alert Russian-made around Damascus and major military bases.

On the other side, Jordan imposed a state of emergency throughout the country Iranian attack on Israel.

The Iranian attack had been expected for days To Israel, in response to the bloody attack that occurred on April 1 on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. But on this particular Saturday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard seized a ship flying the Portuguese flag Linked to IsraelIn the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf.

Shortly before the attack, the Israeli Prime Minister said: Benjamin NetanyahuHe stressed in a statement that Israel is prepared for a “direct attack from Iran” and that all defensive systems are deployed.

–We are working to expand this information–

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