Interview with an IPCC expert – SRM Science and Religion in the Media

Interview with an IPCC expert – SRM Science and Religion in the Media

Environmental science, faith and the role of faith communities in the climate crisis.

The World Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches and the Lutheran World Federation have organized a dialogue entitled “The Encounter of Faith and Science”. Participating in the session was Ramon Peches Madruga, one of the three Vice-Chairs of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, who shared important insights from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.

The dialogue highlighted the importance of different forms of knowledge, and highlighted the strong links between climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem health, human well-being, and sustainable development.

In her keynote address, Pichis Madruga warned of the dangers of delaying climate action and highlighted the shrinking window of opportunity and the significant gap between scientific knowledge and decision-making. He also stressed the need for a just transition to a sustainable economy, and stressed the importance of targeting financial resources and transferring technology to communities affected by climate change.

Looking to the next evaluation cycle, Pescis-Madruga outlined the challenges, including ensuring inclusivity by incorporating developing country perspectives, gender dimensions, and local knowledge. He highlighted the ongoing challenge of communicating science effectively and making IPCC reports both scientifically and politically relevant.

At the next session, the IPCC will publish a special report on climate change and cities, further demonstrating commitment to addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change on a global scale.

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