Inter defense, beautiful dubbi di Oaktree. At the pole Rodriguez and Vazquez

Inter defense, beautiful dubbi di Oaktree. At the pole Rodriguez and Vazquez

The Nerazzurri are looking for a left-footed centre-back, capable of playing as a left-arm player: here are the names under consideration

Inter continue their search for a left-footed defender. The name at the top of the list was Mario Hermoso, but Oaktree has not given its blessing to invest in a player approaching 30 years of age and with significant salary demands.

according to Corriere dello SportThere are two profiles that ended up under the Nerazzurri’s magnifying glass: “Marotta and Ausilio are trying to understand what the best solution would be to give Inzaghi a new left-footed defender who can replace Bastoni if ​​necessary and thus leave Carlos Augusto in his natural role as a winger. Given Oaktree’s doubts about Hermoso’s cost-to-age ratio, there are two names that are favoured at the moment: Ricardo Rodriguez, currently released after four years in Turin, and Johan Vazquez, who is owned by Genoa.

The Swiss would be an interesting temporary solution: the former Milan player, in fact, would put his great international experience at the service of Inter, with an annual contract, without great financial demands; what’s more, he would not need time to adapt, neither to the Italian championship nor to the three-man defence.

Getting to Vazquez is more complicated: Genoa have already sold goalkeeper Josep Martínez to the Nerazzurri and are looking for the jewel Gudmundsson, so they could stumble for the Mexican defender only in the face of an important and permanent offer. It is difficult to think of getting there instead, by asking for a loan. However, there is no time to find the best solution

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