Influenza transmission in Catalonia has fallen to a moderate level but there may be a second peak

Influenza transmission in Catalonia has fallen to a moderate level but there may be a second peak

Influenza transmission in Catalonia has fallen to a moderate level but there may be a second peakMark Marty Font

Flu cases in Catalonia continue to decline after the number was exceeded a few days ago Peak of the epidemic And the transmission level now Moderate. This is what the Information System for Surveillance of Respiratory Infections (SIVIC) indicated, with the data updated on Tuesday. However, influenza cases among children are on the rise, and Health indicates that this rise “could indicate, just like last year, The beginning of the second flu peakEstimated infection rate of covid-19 It keeps going down And so is income: there are 536 people admitted with coronavirus, 88 fewer than the previous week, and 19 in the intensive care unit due to Covid, 8 fewer.

SIVIC shows respiratory infections continue to fall in the third week of the year, with data up to Sunday. In the case of influenza, the estimated infection rate is 284 cases per 100 thousand people Diagnoses in primary care fell again for the second week in a row, after infections surged during December and the first week of January. Last week, 11,347 cases of influenza were diagnosed at influenza control centers, compared to 14,750 cases in the second week of January and 15,284 cases in the first week, when the maximum was reached.

Cases decreased in all age groups except those Groups of children This makes you think The beginning of the second peak, as already happened last year. Thus, 1239 cases of influenza were diagnosed in children aged 0 to 4 years (1023 cases in the previous week), and in children aged 5 to 14 years, 1645 cases (1194).

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As for Covid, the estimated infection rate has dropped to one A rate of 55 cases per 100,000 people. 2,937 cases were diagnosed in primary care, up from 4,281 the previous week. There are 536 people hospitalized with COVID-19 (624 in the previous week) and 19 in intensive care units due to the disease (27 in the previous days).

Vaccination coverage for people vulnerable to Covid-19 is 60% for those aged over 80 and less than half for those aged 70-79, at 47%. Coverage of influenza vaccine is slightly higher, reaching 67% and 55% for these two age groups, respectively.

Cases of the virus that causes the disease Bronchiolitis in childrenRespiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continues to decline and its incidence is estimated at 43 cases per 100,000 population. This winter was the first in which children up to six months of age were vaccinated against RSV; Immunization is associated with a decrease in bronchiolitis cases and, above all, hospitalization.

Hospital emergencies rose 4%, but revenues fell 1%.

The emergency assistance activity was from January 15 to 21 65,556 hospital treatmentsAn average of 9,365 cases per day. The income percentage reached 11.2%.

Regarding the previous week, from January 8 to 14, the number of emergency cases reached It rose by 4%, But the income percentage decreased by 1%. The pressure of care in hospital emergency services is stabilizing, although it remains high. Complexity tends to be low and the hit rate approaches the usual values ​​(10.8%).

In the same period last year, the same number of emergency cases were dealt with, 65,731, with an average of 9,390 per day and a higher proportion of admissions of 12.1%.

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In primary care emergency centers (CUAP), 27,765 emergency cases were treated, with a daily average of 3,966 cases. This represents a 2% decrease compared to the previous week. Activity remains high but has a downward trend. They attended the same period last year 28,452 visitsWith a daily average of 4,056 visits (an increase of 2% over the current year).

Regarding the Assistance in Primary and Community Care (APiC) activity, 1,156,728 visits were carried out during normal working hours (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm). This number represents an increase of 4.07% compared to the previous week, and an increase of 3.04% compared to the same week last year.

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