Increases on bills, how much money the government plans to allocate: mindless

Increases on bills, how much money the government plans to allocate: mindless

Let’s see in detail what hypotheses Mario Draghi’s government is considering to help families and businesses sustain the increases in electricity and gas users that are now unsustainable.

Five billion. This is the number that the government seems willing to allocate to increase bills Without having to resort to the budget variance tool. However, it is not yet clear what kind of measures will be implemented, and whether they will be collected, for example Suggestions from Arera, which presented in the House of Representatives a few days ago some hypotheses about how specifically to help families from high prices that put them in the face of serious economic hardship. Among the various proposals that the association fears there is, for example, That all costs of non-consumption related accessories are removed from the energy users’ bill.

Increases to bills, statements of director Enel Italia

The Director of Enel’s Italy department, Nicola Lanzanita, recently spoke about this and stated that “To contain the impact of the increase in bills if it is the only way at the country level to definitively protect ourselves from fluctuations in the value of fossil fuels, particularly gas, It is to encourage and accelerate the spread of power plants from renewable sources, It is already possible today to protect oneself from the volatility of energy prices by choosing offers available on the free market, with multi-year contracts with fixed and suspended prices. This is true for both families and businesses.”

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Some sources close to the government also refer to them as Draghi Studying two potential solutions to use these five billions. Or pay multi-year bills or contracts for electricity and gas at a fixed price.

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