In this case, everything is lost

In this case, everything is lost

Post office savings books are a common way to deposit money. But be careful not to wait too long

In this case, everything is lost

I savings books It’s an all-Italian way to deposit money, especially those postal. The advantage is that it is guaranteed by the state and has no costs of opening, closing, managing, etc.

There are now many types of postal pamphlets, even if many have been discarded, like bearer pamphlets, which were used in the most serious cases of the illegal trade. Instead, the nominality of the postal booklet, especially with anti-money laundering and tax evasion laws, has become essential in monetary movements, whether cash or electronic money.

At the same time, the nominality of the brochure guarantees its value Featurewith all its contents. But since it’s free, postal books can be opened and left there without being touched for a long time, so what happens?

What happens to idle postal books?

Postamat office (Pixabay)

As mentioned earlier, it is not uncommon for savings or gifts to be placed in a mail book. Especially if the deposit amount is not large, then they can remain there for many years, or even be forgotten.

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This is called me Idle Postal Books, that is, those that the owner has not dealt with for more than one 10 years. Not subject to operational procedures or blocks that prevent the handling of sums that have a Balance greater than 100 EUR. Postal books come idle, i.e. if there has been no credit, withdrawal or payment request for more than 10 years Closed by the Italian Post Office.

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The balances of the sleeper brochures come Transferred to the fund managed by Consap Created by Art. 1, Paragraph 343, of Law No. 266/2005 and governed by the regulation referred to in the presidential decree June 22, 2007 n. 116.

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