“In bed he’s not a king at all”: a spicy wallpaper of Albert Monaco | What are you doing in the room

“In bed he’s not a king at all”: a spicy wallpaper of Albert Monaco |  What are you doing in the room

An ex-Italian flame, a beautiful afternoon showgirl told Cinque about her past love story with Prince Albert of Monaco some thirty years ago. “The story lasted eight months, we met in Venice,” explains the actress, who initially seemed reluctant to confirm the words uttered a few days earlier to the Weekly. newDirected by Riccardo Signoriti also in the studio.

‘Patrizia clearly told me that she isAnd Prince Albert was not a king in bed‘, declared Seniori to the awkward-looking woman who – however – is undeniable. players He was looking for a woman with a different style, maybe at this time, without those shots I would have been A princess“.

“In bed he’s not a king at all”: a spicy wallpaper of Albert Monaco |  What are you doing in the room

It seems that the first meeting took place in Venice About 30 years ago. Alberto shocked her immediately, his smile reminding him of his mother Grace Kelly. From here began a crushing love story that ended after 8 months because of the nude pictures taken by the woman players. She was the one who told what happened: “Cover players I did this before I met Prince Albert in Venice. I didn’t know she was going out after we met. Alberto was really bad there. I don’t think I made a mistake. In that period, all Italian actresses were the most important, including Barbara DorsoOffered for cover story. I’ve never taken lewd photos.”

Patricia Pellegrino blew everything up

D’Urso teases her, highlighting a passage from the interview in which Pellegrino allegedly declared Alberto not to be king from a sexual standpoint. The actress denies: “I did not say anything intimate, it was the journalist’s imagination that went further,” but Signoretti did not like it and decided to intervene in defense of the journalist’s goodwill: “No, I must correct you. I asked you if Alberto in bed could be called a king And she answered me: “No king, maybe a prince”.

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He left her because of some sexy pictures

Patricia then continued her story saying that after those pictures, Alberto asked her to keep seeing each other in secret: “That story went on for 8 months, a long time. Then he got angry at those pictures. We met secretly because he told me that although he liked us so much, Because of the role, he was forced to marry a woman he did not own In that man’s photo lockerBut again the manager new He wanted to correct it by saying: “It ended because he accused you of calling the paparazzi Have you photographed with him?“.

At the conclusion of Carmelita’s intervention, it was Pellegrino who wanted to present a different version of the same story: “That’s not true, he was so angry with this cover, and then we were pushed away. I wanted to live my life and got engaged to the man who would become my husband. I did not marry a prince, but I married a Earl, I don’t think he used an excuse to break up with me. He introduced me to his family and they are lovely people. “

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