If you suffer from anxiety or depression, these are the physical consequences you could suffer from

If you suffer from anxiety or depression, these are the physical consequences you could suffer from

Do you know the physical repercussions that can result from a psychological disorder?freepik

Suffering from psychological disorders is very common and increasing in the era in which we live. Constant stress can be a trigger, but also, Type of food, genetic factors, physical exercise, alcohol or tobacco consumption, etc. However, the reasons can be different Do you want to know how a mental disorder can affect your body?

However, egTo Dr. Federico David Lopez RodriguezSpecialist in clinical psychiatry and neuromodulation, “We can say that depending on the impact each of these factors has on each of us, it can indicate a risk factor for developing a mental disorder throughout life.”

“We know that in some disorders genetics plays a crucial role, With a higher specific weight, as is the case Two-way disorder In other cases, such as certain types of Depression or disorders Of anxiety (affecting 6.7% of the Spanish population), there are other factors that are more important.

How does the brain work when there is a disorder?

In a healthy brain, an infinite number of biochemical reactions occur between neurons without stoppinghighlights the specialist who carries out his clinical and research work inIn the Brain Stimulation Unit of the Andalusian Institute for Brain Health in Seville.

“These have a specific area for transmitting nerve impulses, called the synapse, through which Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline or dopamine, among others, are responsible for transmitting the “message” of the nerve impulse.. Furthermore, there is constant communication on another level, as different brain areas, each made up of billions of these neurons, are in constant communication.

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This explains why our brain, although it represents only 2% of our body weight, is responsible for 20% of our total energy consumption. “In some diseases, such as depression, this has been proven A malfunction in the functioning of some brain circuitsAs in the case of the anterior cingulate cortex or the limbic system.”

fMRI studies show decreased brain function. For this, “Current clinical studies focus on the functioning of interneurons in these disorders; in this sense, new treatments for psychiatric disorders have been developed, such as Drugs Which acts on the neurotransmitter glutamate.”

next to, “We know more and more about the importance of oxidative stress or the role of the gut microbiota, and how these modifications can affect brain signaling pathways, and thus their importance in the treatment of mental disorder.”

What other parts of the body do mental disorders affect?

The nervous system is closely linked to the entire organism through the peripheral nervous system. Dr. Lopez-Rodriguez points out that the impact of a mental disorder can affect the entire individual.

In reality, One of the primary symptoms of depression is fatigueWhich affects the individual as a whole. For these cases” additionally New therapies may be indicated to treat oxidative stress and cellular metabolism, such as coenzyme Q10 or resveratrol, It is a powerful antioxidant.

but “Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to be effectiveIn the case of the digestive system, “Communication is more intense and constant, through the lazy nerve, in addition to the excessive specialization of the nervous system in the digestive system, which interacts at the same time with the immune system and intestinal microbes. Which every day plays a prominent role in mental disorder.

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Is it related to skin diseases?

The doctor points this out There is a large percentage of skin diseases that are associated with mental health problems. “One of the most notable cases is that Psoriasis, One of the main factors for its severity is the presence of a state of depression or anxiety.”

In addition, itching, what we usually know Itching is “directly related to mental state changes.” “Another notable example is this Alopecia areata – where the immune system attacks hair follicles, causing hair loss or hair in other parts of the body –He insists on his frequent association with stress.

Psoriasis can be a consequence of suffering from a mental disorder

Somatization: When the mind takes over the body

Dr. Lopez Rodriguez explains “Somatization is frequent, and in fact it occurs in daily life in people without diseases, but when they go through periods of life stress, they may have physical manifestations of the aforementioned ‘unresolved’ mental stress.”

For this reason he gives a frequent example: Small, frequent muscle contractions appear in the area around the eyes. It is an area that is particularly sensitive to its stimulation It usually happens repeatedly.

Another case is case Change in bowel rhythm, especially with diarrhea (This can also happen to a student before an exam, for example).

Recognizing that you are going through a stressful situation, and implementing stress-reducing techniques, such as planning tasks in advance or doing physical exercises such as yoga or meditation, can help.

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