If you love reading, here are the can’t-miss tricks to always have an organized library

If you love reading, here are the can’t-miss tricks to always have an organized library

Some very useful tricks to Book loverwhich in this way will always have a tidy library and not messy.

Anyone who loves to read has an enemy: clutter. In fact, bookworms are also often nerds, that is, hoarders of books they will never read. As a result, the rate at which books enter the home is much higher than the rate at which they are actually read.

It becomes essential, at this stage, Arrange them in an organized manner Because few things tend to create clutter as much as randomly placed books, wherever they may be. The problem is that space in our homes is sometimes the same. Then the books have a beautiful aesthetic effect and become furnishing tools As long as it is placed in an organized mannerOtherwise, the feeling they give, as we mentioned, is just great confusion.

Unmissable tricks to keep your bookcase tidy

If you also have many books and little space to organize them, follow us in this article. We will reveal some to you Unmissable tricks to keep your library always organized.

Tricks to keep your library tidy

Order becomes essential when you have many books at home (designmag.it)

Take inventory of books

Anyone who loves reading knows this: for a true bookworm, everything left behind is wasted. There is almost no reason not to visit any place where books are on display: bookstores, flea markets, newsstands. Not to mention the vast online book market, starting with eBay.

One way or another, books are added and the library fills up. With the risk that they eventually are A mountain that is difficult to manage and there are duplicates too. This is why it becomes necessary to know the books in our home library. Therefore it is presented It is necessary to carry out an inventory. The advice is Get checked about 3-4 times a yearat regular intervals, to keep our collection of folders in order.

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Choose a way to organize books

There are many ways to organize your library. But in general we can divide it into two general ways: The classical way and the aesthetic way. The first involves Sort books according to criteria such as genre and publishing house. or By author or by subject area.

How to organize books

Organizing the arrangement of books is necessary (designmag.it)

However, it should be a classification that allows us to quickly find the book we are looking for. the Aesthetic method Instead they prefer adjectives such as The size, shape, or color of the ribs.

Try to take advantage of vertical space

Of course, lacking horizontal space, We have to exploit that vertically. Let’s focus on Shelves and bookcases that extend in height. Especially if we live in a small apartment, it is better to choose a modular organization. We can create columns of books divided by thematic area or by the same author and place them in different parts of our home, perhaps with the help of support baskets.

Balance with things and talents

The classic “book wall” effect, with walls crowded with folders, is not the best in life and gives a cluttered look to the whole. So better Leave some little space to add objects and ornaments.

No to the wall of books

The notorious “wall of books” effect: it should be completely avoided (designmag.it)

Pictures, candles, and even small glass boxes for storing bookmarks are also good. In short, room for imagination. It’s also helpful to space the rows of books with some spacers (which can serve as support for larger sizes).

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Divide the books you’ve already read from the ones you want to read

The mistake that should not be made is to put books that have already been read, those that will be read, and those that have been recently purchased, in one place. This is a method that encourages compulsive buying and uncontrolled accumulation of quantities. We can fix it Assign a basket or shelf in the library to a specific section: TBRs (for reading)Books waiting to be read. This way we don’t have to search for the latest book we bought: we just need to consult the books section to read it.

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