IB3 News | Education sends recommendations to schools to prevent further respiratory infections, such as ventilating classrooms, among others

IB3 News |  Education sends recommendations to schools to prevent further respiratory infections, such as ventilating classrooms, among others

The Ministry will provide additional resources to educational centers to purchase disinfectant gel or heating fuel

the The Ministry of Education All centers have sent the recommendations of the General Directorate of Public Health to avoid further cases of respiratory virus infections when classes return on Monday after the Christmas holiday. Some of these measures are classroom ventilation. In this sense, the Minister of Education and University, Anthony Vera, stated that it will be made available to the centers Additional resources Such as, for example, purchasing hydroalcoholic gel or heating fuel. In a press conference, Vera asked parents not to take their children to school if they show flu symptoms. Returning to the centers could become a hotspot of infection due to the epidemic of the disease that the islands are currently experiencing and they ask that recommendations be followed.

Read here the public health recommendations sent to educational centers and families

Government spokesman Anthony Costa insisted that all the measures announced were “recommendations” although he admitted that they were “logical”. According to him, health centers and hospitals in the Balearic Islands are not currently facing an out of the ordinary situation at this time of the year, and he reiterated in sending a message of reassurance to the population. He noted that at the moment there are no expectations for additional measures although, as the Head of Health, Manuela García, conveyed at the meeting of advisors, there are already some health centers that are taking pressure points, in any case, they can fully assume.

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the Ministry of Health There are no plans at the present time to re-impose the mandatory use of masks in hospitals and health centres, as the Valencian region and Catalonia implemented today. The scenario is that Recommending mask use if you have symptoms. In this sense it is also insisted on Make hands clean frequently, among other things. Salam reminds us of the necessity of covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and using tissues that contain droplets or respiratory secretions, and throwing them in the trash. At the same time, they advise avoiding going to work if you have symptoms of the disease, whenever possible.

For its part, the Majorca Primary Care Authority has already sent a recommendation to health centers for health workers to wear masks, although many of these professionals have been wearing them for days as cases increase. The Spanish Association of Primary Care Physicians also appeals to residents and asks them to take care of their mental health. Educating people about the symptoms of respiratory virus to go to the health center. In this way, avoid the collapse of health centers with simple colds.

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