L’ordiés un dels cereals més complets i equilibrats que existixen. Aporta una gran quantitat de proteïnes, grasses i minerals i és rica en magnesi, coure, ferro, zinc i vitamina B1, alhora que aporta xicotetes dosis de calci, àcid fòlic i altres vitamines del grup B.
Nobody likes to see the years pass faster on their faces and feel their physical prowess fail before you do. That’s why we are always looking for tricks, home remedies, products and exercises that can help us Slower proces aging To maintain a young and healthy appearance. But the problem is that we tend to […]
with their book God and science are proof of that (Jay Tridaniel, 2021) Michel-Yves Polloret and Olivier Bonacez throw a stone into a pond. Its purpose is to describe recent developments in the fields of physics and cosmology and to conclude Evidence for the existence of God (who are they) Modern, clear, rational, multidisciplinary, can […]
Patricia Martin journalist Located Madrid Version + Madrid – Sunday, 06/23/2024 – 23:36 Increased temperatures due to global warming and other environmental and biological factors have caused a “massive increase” in the numbers of ticks, which can not only cause annoying bites but also transmit diseases. To try to alleviate the problem, the Ministry of […]