How do you entrust your body to knowledge after death?

How do you entrust your body to knowledge after death?

Another difficult option is now possible. This is permitted by a law approved in February 2020 but whose executive decrees have been in effect since the end of 2021, allowing you to donate your body after death. scientific reseach and training of young doctors.

An important opportunity, because it also allows in our country Better training courses For physicians, trainees, and surgeons, and for the advancement of scientific research in the interest of the advancement of knowledge and a better quality of life for all. One of the eleven reference centers For the preservation and use of corpses donated to science, it was determined by the Ministry of Health of the University of Brescia which undertakes the task of training future doctors in agreement with the Civil Hospital.

determines the law Four main points. The first relates to the relationship between a donation and the consent of the person giving. The text states that only “the body and tissues of those who have expressed their consent in life” may be used. which must be edited throughspecific ad, drawn up with a public deed or a private deed delivered personally by the settlor. The declaration must be submitted to the Health Protection Agency to which it belongs. Compete in Ats la Registration and transferred to the national database. The third aspect relates to the mandatory appointment of guardian Who will be responsible for notifying the existence of consent and speaking with the doctor who will confirm the death. In the end, Return of the dead bodywhich must be made within twelve months (if there is a will made and deposited, the relatives of the deceased cannot object).

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Donating a corpse after death For study and research purposes It is compatible with organs, tissues and cells. There are many reasons for a brave and important choice. First of all, for the concrete aid of scientific research, with positive implications for the advancement of knowledge and for the development of new drugs, surgical techniques and treatments.

Then for clinician training: Although virtual and alternative models have evolved, anatomical anatomy practice It is still considered essential for training today. There are also ethical reasons. Solidarity, because it is a decision made for the sake of others, without making a person able to directly enjoy the benefits. And reciprocity: We all owe a debt of gratitude to those who, over the centuries, have allowed research to progress with their own bodies.