An exhibition at the Basilica of Vicenza from October 1 on the golden ratio between art, science and technology

An exhibition at the Basilica of Vicenza from October 1 on the golden ratio between art, science and technology
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The show is produced by “Relazionesimo” written by Umbreta Zulian and Kitty Pani

“The Golden Ratio”: not a simple exhibition, but an immersive journey between past, present and future, between art, science and technology, between distant voices in time and the great heroes of contemporary thinking. produced by Relationship (The fruit of the initiative of Keti Pani and Umbretta Zulijan) and will be presented in the presence of the mayor in the Stoči Room, and the exhibition will be held from October 1 to December 10 in the Basilica Palladiana, in search of Secret base Which defines the harmony of nature and the relationship between us and the world.

“In dialogue with the Basilica,” explains curator Rolando Bellini, professor of art history, museology and aesthetics at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, “the exhibition brings together artists from different schools and generations, from Michelangelo Pistoletto to Erica Tamburini, from Fibonacci to Leonardo, and from Fedia to Luca Pacioli. , all of them are invited to engage with an ancient and modern topic: What is the relationship between art and science, between ethics and forms of beauty? The answer lies in the exhibition’s path, which touches on classical themes and ideas – from the golden section to proportions – making them present in the form of an aesthetic experience.

The exhibition also includes the creations of Angelo Bonello, Jacopo Gonzato, video designer Fabio Volpi, and the creations of director Duccio Forzano and Matteo Riva.

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