Houston, Trump fuels gun lobby and launches re-nomination: ‘The existence of evil is a good reason to arm yourself’

Houston, Trump fuels gun lobby and launches re-nomination: ‘The existence of evil is a good reason to arm yourself’

Speech began. Honoring the “Wonderful Patriots” present at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston Donald Trump In the grand assembly of National Rifle Association. The former president called for a warm welcome from the audience and the choirs of “the United States of America and the United States of America” ​​to observe a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the massacre. Uvaldwhere he read the names 19 kids The two teachers were killed by the 18-year-old Salvador Ramos. At each name the loudspeakers rang a bell. The former president who called for a search for “common ground” to end the continuing carnage that has devastated America and only then immediately criticizes “cynical politicians who try to exploit the pain of the victims’ families to deny us constitutional rights.” like what to buy and Take up arms freelya task seepublished today more than ever to defend Second Amendment Which for Trump is “under siege”.

A four-and-a-half hour drive from Yuvaldi, at least 50,000 people gathered to celebrate the guns and attend the former president’s parade in Houston, which has become a veritable crowd as he races for 2024.” That White House we love so much and we will make America safer, richer, and bigger than ever time ago “

De facto candidacy for the next election, though trump He still has to pass the Republican primary. “If we can send billions to Ukraine, we can also do whatever is necessary to secure schools,” Trump blasted Joe Biden and declared, “When I am president for the second time I will fight evil.”
For more than an hour, the former president spoke as if on the campaign trail, outlining a detailed government program. He urged that “the presence of evil in our world is not a reason to disarm law-abiding citizens: it is one of the best reasons to arm them.” trump Re-release the proposal to arm teachers: “There is nothing more dangerous than a gun-free zone.”

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Before the previous president’s presentation, the CEO of the Natural Resources Authority intervened, Wayne LaberWho remembered the victims of Robb Elementary School. A surreal memory, filtered by a minute of silence and engulfed in the next three hours devoted to defending the Second Amendment, at any cost. And attacked the head of the armed pressure group, “Repealing that is not the answer, Biden’s proposals on arms control limit the basic human right of Americans to self-defense.” “We must defend the Second Amendment,” the South Dakota governor reiterated. Kristi Noemas a possible Republican candidate in the election 2024 Or Trump’s right-hand man. “Even grandmothers are armed in our state,” she said in her speech, remembering “growing up on a farm surrounded by thousands of guns.” Political and corporate elites tell us that the blame for the evil that has emerged in Uvald and elsewhere lies with guns. The Republican senator reiterated that removing guns from the people responsible would not make the United States safer.” Ted CruzAnother weapon. On the other hand, the governor of Texas is absent, Greg Abbott, who decided to go to Ovaldi and sent a video message. And at him and the other “dissidents”, Trump took a deep look at the beginning of his speech: “Unlike everyone else, I don’t disappoint you while I’m here.”

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