“He feels against the whole world” – Corriere.it

“He feels against the whole world” – Corriere.it

The clash between an extreme and a “moderate” line is over in the Kremlin: Putin now aims to conquer not only the Donbass, but as much territory as possible, regardless of the human and material costs of the conflict

from our reporter
Berlin – “Time and patience. patience and time. The big army was wounded. But is this fatal? General Kutuzov said in “War and Peace”.

At war in Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin He seems to think the same way. But unlike the great tsarist general who defeated Napoleon, this time it was not the attacker, but the aggressor.

There has been a clash in the last few weeks inside the KremlinAbout the course of the war and its goals. As revealed to courier world politics Dr..
Mitrij Suslovwho runs a study center close to the government,Two lines facing each other

The moderate who claims the need after obtaining it Decisive victory in DonbassPropose an agreement to Ukraine and the West on the terms Russia wants, which would leave the regional status quo of 2014, thus recognizing the annexation of Crimea and the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, with the rest of the country neutral and demilitarized.

And the extreme thing, which points Not only in Donbass but aims to conquer the entire southeastern belt, including Odessain order to deprive Ukraine of any access to the sea, and by establishing a territorial connection with Crimea and a link with Transnistria.

all-out struggle Therefore, without any concern about military, political and economic costs: “The extremist school – according to Suslov – is not afraid of a protracted war, does not seek any recognition from the West, does not think that it is possible to abolish or reduce sanctions.”

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The impression supported by various sources is that he has triumphed over the hard line. according to what financial times
And Putin is ready to move forward in a long-running strugglefar beyond the obvious goal, indicated recently after the abandonment of the Kyiv blockade, which is “the liberation of Donbass”.

The British newspaper, citing a source who has been involved in negotiating attempts, uses the likeness of judo, an art in which Putin excels with a black belt, to explain his style of warfare. In judo, in fact, Putin learned the kozushi, the trick that tends to make the opponent lose his physical and mental balance and then turn over and drop his shoulders. The Kuzushi in this case will be the attack on the Donbass. “He is a tactician, a judoka player. He has a distorted view of the world and the scenarios are constantly changing.”

Putin’s changing worldview stems, according to the cited sources, from Completely distorted perception of reality: Few of the difficulties mentioned in the field reports will actually reach the tsar’s table, everything is spoiled or distorted by collaborators eager to present him with a favorable picture of the situation. Obviously, the result is that Putin has now chosen to continue with the re-launch, according to the logic of successive estimations: one target after another, the attempt to conquer always precedes a new one, at the moment in the platform.

The official rhetoric itself, from the Tsar to Foreign Minister Lavrov, is now openly radical.

The president accused Western countries of Stirring up terrorism on Russian soilWith Even the CIA is committed to leading the Ukrainian services Trying to attack the regime’s TV channels.

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The chief of diplomacy conjures up every day The risk of a nuclear conflict with the West and a third world war scenario.

While any attempt to resume negotiations, the latest of which is the attempt of United Nations Secretary-General Guterres, is liquidated and almost ridiculed.

The idea of ​​negotiation has completely disappeared from the media landscape, indicating not only the extremes of public sentiment, but above all adaptation to the realities of the field. Complete control of southeastern Ukraine is now a complete goal.

Kremlin hawks, such as Nikolai PatrushevSecretary of the Federal Security Council, explicitly.Ukraine crushed in several states“Theorizing” the invasion of the largest possible area.

While General Minnikev says that “all things considered, we are at war against the whole world”, he talks about the need to open a road to Transnistria, the Russian-speaking region that has declared itself independent of Moldova. The series of eruptions recorded in that area had already sounded the alarm. How long will it last? “All the time necessary to be able to sell to Russian voters as a victory,” an anonymous Russian billionaire told the Financial Times. “At the moment – political scientist Tatiana Stanovia explains – Putin does not want any peace. Unable to bring down Kyiv, he opted for escalation. The conquest of the Donbass and the opening of a passage to the Crimea are insignificant goals for him. Putin believes that Russia has time, that history is on its side and that the price of blood paid is still acceptable. He is ready to fight for a long time to come, and send more threatening signals to the WestTime and patience really.

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Apr 27, 2022 (change on Apr 27, 2022 | 17:08)

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