Jesolo – “The entrance to the gallery by Fabbrica della Scienza obliterated me on a construction site, and seized the cars of my staff who were forbidden to leave the car park, during the intense days of the carnival, when I was waiting for groups of visitors, creating a maze for those who wished to […]
No hi ha una fórmula màgica per a aprimar. Hi ha moltes formes i mètodes per a aconseguir-ho però tots amb un punt en comú: l’alimentació. En les qüestions relacionades amb la nutrició hi ha tot tipus de modes. En ocasions són beneficioses per a la salut i en unes altres no tant. Hi ha […]
The colorectal cancer early detection programme, which was launched in December 2022, had detected ten cases as of November. This is clear from the data provided by the Ministry of Health, which also shows that a total of 10,720 people have been invited up to this month to participate in this screening and detection programme, […]