Grottaferrata. “Methods and Methods of Science”: The conference series begins

Grottaferrata.  “Methods and Methods of Science”: The conference series begins

Neotosvia – Grottaferrata – Tuesday, October 17, in the conference hall of the “Bruno Martellotta” Municipal Library, the “Methods and Methods of Science” exhibition will begin, which is a series of meetings in which researchers and academics from prestigious Italian and foreign universities will speak on very diverse research topics, in the most important disciplines. Versatile, highlighting how the method can be rejected and adapted to the specific circumstances of different research areas.

An initiative highly desired by the Di Bernardo Administration, the promoter of the initiative, designed by the Citizen’s Delegate for Training and Promotion of Scientific Culture Activities Alessandro Gratton, in order to disseminate and make available knowledge regarding the latest scientific discoveries in areas of absolute interest to society.

Science, astrophysics, politics, philology, seismology, neuroscience, medicine and evolution. These are the topics that will be covered starting next Tuesday until May 2024.

“This method, applied rigorously, has enabled a gradually accelerated process of acquiring new knowledge that has proven to be extremely useful to humanity – explains the Delegate for Training and Promotion of Scientific Culture Alessandro Gratton -. I am pleased to point out the great sensitivity of the Di Bernardo administration towards the growing importance of disseminating… Teachings and research findings in today’s society.

“Our goal is to make the culture of science and the world of research increasingly accessible and accessible to citizens – adds Mayor Mirco Di Bernardo -. Thanks to the collaboration with delegate Alessandro Gratton, to whom I thank, Grottaferrata will host authoritative figures in the academic field in a series of free meetings of informational value A great deal, in which I invite all citizens to participate.”

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