Govt, UK assesses restrictions ahead of Christmas. “Omigron? Maybe it’s too late”

Govt, UK assesses restrictions ahead of Christmas.  “Omigron? Maybe it’s too late”

New York, December 19, 2021 – La Different Omigron Returns againCovid dream In this world. There England, After the first Boris Johnson Until a few days ago he even rejected an application Project b, Is now open to new restrictions “already before Christmas”. In Ireland The ‘South African’ strain already dominates. Fear returns to the United States. New ones Govt cases In the state New York They in the last 24 hours 21.908, A new record since the onset of the epidemic. The death toll rose to 59 and the number of hospital admissions increased by 70 to 3,909. Meanwhile, the situation in Germany seems to have improved, with Denmark beginning a semi-lockout.

Italy, Covid Bulletin of 19 December


Increasingly dramatic situation England. “It may be too late to respond to Omicron” because cases of variance are already widespread in the UK. This was stated in an editorial in the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday edition of the Conservative newspaper by British Health Minister Sajid Javed. “There are still many things we do not know about this variation,” he rewrites, “we need to be clear about the challenge that Omicron presents. It has been our strategy since it appeared, to buy time for our scientists to evaluate it. To build the threat and our security.” Says further.

So do not deny that the government imposes More restrictions in the UK before Christmas Against the progress of Omigran. “We have to act before it’s too late,” he said. “We are evaluating the situation. It is very volatile. We have seen a lot that we do not yet know about this Omigron variant,” the minister explained to the BBC. “It is true that there is a lot of uncertainty,” Javed stressed. There were 90,418 new Govt cases reported in the UK yesterday, more than double what they were a week ago. Today’s news: 12 thousand more infections of the Omigran variant have been reported. So the number of confirmed cases will rise to 37.101. Meanwhile, protests are underway in the country against the new restrictions.

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Omigron variant in Ireland Is dominating. Local authorities have registered 5,124 new infections, 52% of which are due to the new strain. Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan confirmed to Rte News: “It took less than two weeks for Omicron to become the dominant variant of the Covit-19 in Ireland, thus showing just how contagious it is.” The situation is even worse in Northern Ireland, with Deputy Prime Minister Michael O’Neill talking about the risk of 30,000 cases a day.

The situation deteriorates rapidly and As a result some events are ‘becoming extinct’: Saturday night live live No longer live audience because the Rockets dance company, which returned to the stage, canceled the remaining performances of its latest rehearsal ‘Christmas Spectacular’. Some restaurants have also been temporarily closed. The most popular music about Tina Turner’s life was Broadway shows including Hamilton and Tina canceled shows this week. The United States has dropped from an average of less than 100,000 cases a day at the end of November to nearly 130,000 now.

Denmark is stepping up actions against Kovit to deal with the rising number of cases following Great Britain. Throughout the month, stop at theaters, theaters and amusement parks. Cafes and restaurants should close at 11 p.m. Also stores can not sell wine after 10pm. Limits will also be imposed on the number of persons allowed in the shops depending on the location.

This seems to improve the situation Germany Where do they register 29,348 new Govt cases and 180 deaths In the last 24 hours. Data provided by the company today Robert Koch notes a significant drop in infections compared to the average of recent days, as it is the weekend, but less than the 32,348 new infections reported last Sunday. The decline in weekly events has since been underlined, which was reduced to 315.4 cases per 100 thousand people, up from 321.8 cases yesterday, up from 390.9 a week ago.

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Meanwhile The Russia Please register one more time Thousands of deaths a day due to Govt, The decline in cases continues. According to health officials, 1,023 people have died in the last 24 hours and 27,967 have been infected, confirming the gradual decline in the number of daily infections recorded in the last few weeks after the peak between October and November. . The maximum in Moscow was 3,013, followed by St. Petersburg, 1,995, and then Moscow province 1,825.

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