Google launches first beta of QPR3 for Android 14 on compatible Pixels: what's new

Google launches first beta of QPR3 for Android 14 on compatible Pixels: what's new

With QPR2 beta testing over, the public release of the stable version will now be imminent. Google has started testing third “quarterly platform releases” for Android 14 First beta launch on compatible Pixels. The QPR3 should be the last major update (the stable version is expected to be released in June) before the next major version, Android 15, arrives.

QPR3 beta 1

These are the details of Android 14 QPR2 beta 3 builds:

  • Builds:AP21.240119.009
  • Emulator support: x86 (64-bit), ARM (version 8-A)
  • Security patch level: February 2024
  • Google Play Services: 23/50/14

It is possible to install Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 in OTA mode on all compatible Pixels registered in the Android Beta program.

QPR3 beta 1 is available for the Pixel 5a, Pixel 6, 6a, 6 Pro, Pixel 7, 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet, and for the new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro. , is no longer supported and you will not even receive this QPR (as well as the first version released last December and the second one whose release is imminent).

Release notes and warnings

Remember that QPR reports are quarterly releases rather than focusing on bug fixes; They often enrich the operating system with new features Which are pre-listed by Google to avoid having to wait for a later major release. QPRs are generally stable and well suited for daily use Because it does not include changes to the Application Programming Interface (API) that may affect the correct functioning of applications.

However, Google has specified that in this release there may be “some issues with some apps, including system apps”, that “usage may not be suitable for daily use for users with accessibility needs” and that there may be “different stability, battery or… Performance problems”

QPR betas for Android 14 have also not been approved by the Compatibility Testing Suite (CTS), but have passed initial testing and provide a stable set of pre-release APIs for developers. Apps that rely on certified versions of CTS or that use SafetyNet APIs may not work normally on QPR beta builds of Android 14.

Among the known issues, Google warns that the Assistant Summary widget sometimes displays weather information for the wrong location. Google also confirmed that it has corrected an issue, despite the public release. Circle and Search functionality is not enabled on Pixels with the beta installed.

Those waiting for the stable release of QPR2If they prefer to forego the beta program and get the stable version, they can do so without having to delete the data on their Pixel device by deactivating and not installing the QPR3 Beta 1 update. If the software is deactivated after installing Beta 1 (or any future updates), all user data on the device will be erased according to the software's usual instructions. In fact, deactivation will activate the downgrade over the air.

Some QPR3 news

Among the new features in the first beta version of QPR3 There is a new logo. Instead of the circular badge resembling NASA's, there is now an inverted triangle, shaped like the letter “V.” The logo has the same colors and logo as Android, but the “Android 14” writing has been removed. Android 14 is the “U” in the alphabetical order that Android has maintained for years. Android 15 is instead “V”.

Another novelty related Check for phishing apps Which can be done through “Settings > Security & Privacy > Enhanced Security & Privacy > Scan for rogue apps.” Present, moreover too New “Touch Sensitivity” menu

downloading pictures

Although most of the users will install via Android Beta program, in OTA mode, you can installl QPR3 beta 1 is also blinking or loading side files.

Here are links to the build files:

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