Glasses and Contact Lenses Bonus 2022: What and When

Glasses and Contact Lenses Bonus 2022: What and When

The reward for eyeglasses and contact lenses is a facility provided under the 2021 Budget Act which provides for the recognition of a €50 voucher for those who purchase new eyeglasses or contact lenses. To this day, the decree is still pending on how and when the application will be submitted.

Glasses and Contact Lenses Bonus 2022: What and When

The Extra glasses and contact lenses Is a facility that was supposed to start last year, but despite approval in the budget law, Official start date of the incentiveAnd the

Waiting to understand when the decree contains Timing and methods To follow Claim RewardWe see in the following article all the details of the measurement.

Eyeglasses Bonus 2022: How It Works

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The Extra glasses and contact lensesalso known as bonus offer, is a file A one-time contribution of 50 euros Recognized for those who bought new eyeglasses or contact lenses in 2021, 2022 or 2023, and for those who have ISEE does not exceed 10,000 euros.

The bonus, provided with the 2021 Budget Act, can only be used to purchase the glasses and contact lenses needed for it Correction of visual defects and eye diseases: Thus, they cannot be used to purchase sunglasses or cosmetic contact lenses (without any cover).

Glasses Bonus 2022: When will it arrive?

Elegant smiling woman in glasses and striped shirt using computer computer while sitting at the table in the kitchen min

Despite the approval of the procedure in the 2021 budget law, which allocated 10 million euros for the period 2022-2023 so far The executive decree is still pending Contains information on the methods and timing to be followed to redirect requests.

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The only sure thing is that it’s a file 50 euro voucherBut it is not clear whether it will be paid directly to the citizen or to the merchants. Among the hypotheses under consideration are that QR Code Created by a special site for requesting the reward and uploading the necessary documents or, alternatively, an application method similar to that approved for the reward of the Spa.

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