Giorgio Ballou and wine that causes cancer: “It is not science to say this. It’s all a matter of doses.”

Giorgio Ballou and wine that causes cancer: “It is not science to say this.  It’s all a matter of doses.”

Giorgio Pallo, head of the Italian Medicines Agency, attacks the “harmful to health” labels on wine and alcohol. “There is a lot of talk about medical science without acknowledging the limitations and intrinsic values ​​of some observational studies,” he began in his interview with Pietro Senaldi for Libero. “We’ve seen that with Covid, with suggestions preached in non-strict environments and with some statements about the harmful effects of wine.” In recent days, Ireland has given final approval to the regulations on stickers. While the debate about the effects of alcohol on health has recently seen Antonella Viola and Matteo Bassetti take sides.

Alcohol for alcohol?

Palù takes inspiration from Ireland: “And what about Irish ale? Alcohol for alcohol? It seems to me that we are committing politically correct suicide, persecuting individual totems and prejudices that we create for ourselves without scientific foundations and which we then stubbornly acknowledge by denying our own history and traditions. Regardless of duties, we sacrifice universal rights for individual rights, which later become symbols of discrimination.” For the professor, “Fighting wine is a bit like ignoring our history, the foundations of our artistic, literary and musical culture, even that religious identity according to which wine turns into a moment of human society and a symbol of divine transcendence.

The issue of alcohol and cancer

explained Gianni Testino, a hepatologist Opens that “those who underestimate them do so in order to be more sympathetic to people.” He also pointed out that alcoholic beverages represent the third cause of death and disability in adults and the first cause of death and destruction for those under the age of 24 due to road accidents, violence, acute poisoning and ethyl coma. Ballou quotes the Bible: «Noah planted vineyards on Mount Ararat; With rooted cuttings, the Romans cultivated the world, given that the fields in which they were planted were a reward for valiant legionnaires. That wine can harm your health is a matter of doses. In addition to alcohol, it contains some valuable nutrients with beneficial pharmaceutical effects such as antioxidants, anthonics, phenols, resveratrol, vitamins that protect against free radicals, molecules that generate inflammation and, in the long term, cancer ».

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“a couple of mugs”

Finally, according to Palù «Some studies say that after the age of 30, two cups of red a day is fine: let’s look at the French paradox, they drink and eat cheese and yet they live a long time. Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim), early in the sixteenth century, said that all things contain poison, and the harmful effect depends only on the quantity. Healthy living commands moderation in all of our actions. In the center of virtue are stats. Studies attacking wine, which are deemed to be lethal even in small amounts, are observational studies, do not have the scientific dignity of controlled studies, and ignore, because of selection biases, crucial elements such as lifestyle, diet, smoking, body mass, and genetic susceptibility. Cancer takes years to develop. Let’s be careful when we throw barbs in the name of science, the battle over wine reminds me of the battle for vaccines.”

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