Germany, Bavaria introduces the traffic light to stop the fourth wave: with “red” comes the commitment to green traffic in the workplace

Germany, Bavaria introduces the traffic light to stop the fourth wave: with “red” comes the commitment to green traffic in the workplace

pressure on the Austrian modela Stop“who organizes restrictions Based on the number of beds occupied intensive care: if you reachRousseau‘, duty green lane also on workplace. The fourth wave of COVID-19 has swept Germany: While the federal government is expressing concern but still lurking about what measures will be taken, Bavaria has decided not to wait any longer. Prime Minister Wednesday Marcus Soder (CSU) announced that in the face of the sharp increase in infections, a tighten of measures. The strength of the restrictions will depend on the progress of the epidemic: the sooner the faster Ffp2 Positions and commitment Molecular buffers, but if the situation worsens, it will also extend the green lane and enter Base 2G (Only vaccinated and treated).

“It’s a pandemic Not vaccinated“: Use suder file same words Minister of Health , Jens Span. In Bavaria, the weekly peak of infection has been reached over the weekend since the start of the epidemic. As of today (Wednesday) they have been registered 228.4 approx all 100 thousand people. The hospital emergency also affects the far south of Germany, where there is a shortage of bed in a intensive care. about 90% of people who have been hospitalized due to Covid Not being vaccinated. city Rosenheim And the whole area Lower Bavaria They have already introduced restrictive measures due to the situation in the recovery wards.

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Now, Söder announced, the hospital’s traffic light has become the compass to face the fourth wave in Bavaria. traffic light “yellowBecause in all the earth there are more than 450 beds The intensive care unit is busy. Therefore, the obligation to use Ffp2 Positions. Not only that, in places where the 3G rule (our green lane) was previously mandatory, we are moving to 3G plus base. What are the changes? To get the green certificate – if you have not been vaccinated or cured – a quick swab is no longer sufficient but you must necessarily have molecular store. This concerns, for example, sporting or cultural events. In the discos NS In the nightclubsInstead, the introduction of the 2G rule is being evaluated: in practice, only those who have been vaccinated or cured enter.

When the number of beds occupied in intensive care increases threshold 600becomes a traffic lightRousseauAnd the 2G base, which used to be a hypothesis specific Soder explained that in a few cases it is significantly extended. in a Catering take the 3G-plus (Green lane but only with molecular buffer). But the big news is about workplace, where the obligation to show green certificate (It is considered to be limited to cases where there are more than 10 people in a room). These rules are applied at the regional level if the traffic light is “red”, but can come into force even earlier if the weekly incidence in the region exceeds 300 weekly cases per 100,000 inhabitants and if the intensive care profession reaches80 percent. Condition already affecting 27 counties, Select Soder.

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