Generalitat opens access to 11 apartments for social rent in Camprodon

Generalitat opens access to 11 apartments for social rent in Camprodon

The Catalonia Housing Agency, which relies on the state's territorial administration, has launched a call for access to 11 rental housing with official protection in Camprodon. To reach it Must be registered in the register of housing applicants With official protection (RSHPO) before the award criteria are published.

The apartments are located in Plaça de la Vela, No. 8There are six bedrooms and five single bedrooms, with space in between 45 m2 The smallest and 69 m2 the biggest. The rental price will vary between 329 and 499 euros per monthdepending on the dimensions.

People can choose that Registered in Camprodon with at least three years of experience. Only if there is not enough demand will it be opened to people who register later.

To be able to choose one of these apartments, you must own it Income of more than 18,000 euros per year A maximum of four times the IPREM (€42,681.55, for one member; €44,001.60, for two members; €45,894.14, for three members; and €47,423.94 for four or more members). The one-bedroom apartments will be for family units of up to two people and the two-bedroom apartments will be for family units of up to four people.

The invitation expects to reserve one of these homes for Attending social emergencies and six for youth aged 35 or younger.

the Selection will be made by lottery Among all people who meet the requirements.

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