Gasoline is 5% more expensive than it was a year ago

Gasoline is 5% more expensive than it was a year ago

Average prices for all fuel types decreased during May compared to the previous month. Thus, as the Department of General Statistics published on Monday, heating oil decreased by 2.4% and unleaded 95 octane gasoline decreased by 1.2% in both cases. Likewise, the price of diesel for locomotives and improved diesel for locomotives decreased by 4.3% and 4.1%, respectively.

If we compare this data with the figures for May 2023, we find that the prices of all types of fuel have risen: heating oil rose by 9.6%, transportation oil by 5.3%, and locomotive diesel improved by 5%. Unleaded gasoline octane 95 and unleaded gasoline octane 98 rose by 5.1% and 4.9%, respectively.

Comparing average prices for the first five months of 2024 with the same period of the previous year, the price of locomotive diesel and improved diesel decreased by 0.7% and 0.8%, respectively. As for unleaded gasoline, octane 95, and unleaded gasoline, octane 98, decreased by 0.2% in both cases. Heating oil fell 1.5%.

Finally, in terms of comparing average prices for the past 12 months with the same previous period, diesel locomotive and improved diesel locomotive decreased by 9.9% and 9.7%, respectively. Unleaded 95 octane gasoline decreased by 5.7%, and 98 octane unleaded gasoline decreased by 5.5%. Heating oil also decreased by 15.2%.

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