Gas under €100, here’s how and when the bill will drop

Gas under €100, here’s how and when the bill will drop

Arrera: Minor billing improvements

Even before Draghi, Arrera President, and the Energy, Networks and Environment Regulatory Authority Stefano Pesegini in turn explained that on expensive bills “the situation is improving a little, we are stopping a phase in which the air conditioners are replaced and the heaters are not yet turned on. With this approach we have avoided a “repetition” of the complex phase of August (August), when gas prices reached historic highs.

Gas, codagon: under €100, 70% cap increase is avoided

According to Codacons, “the continued decline in the price of gas, which today has reached below the threshold of €100 at Ttf in Amsterdam, will save consumers from a new blow to their bills and save Italians from the 70% increase in tariffs expected in” recent weeks by analysts “. However, the Consumers Association notes that the energy emergency is still far from being overcome.” In the third quarter of 2022 (July, August and September) compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year, gas bills for the protected market saw a 46% increase, rising Tariffs from 84.67 euro cents per cubic meter to 123.62 euro cents, equivalent to a higher expenditure, only for gas supply, equals +545 euro per year per household – explains Codacons -. Even with a cut in tariffs in October by Arera, the balance sheet for consumers and businesses will remain at a loss, because bills, except for unexpected record cuts, will still be much higher than those of 2021. Taking into account some factors that, in The coming weeks, it could cause gas prices to rise again: the increase in demand associated with the operation of the heaters, a particularly probable severe winter and the possibility of delays or interruptions in supplies from the countries from which we import gas, will make the prices of raw materials rise again ».

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Al-Tabrili: We are moving towards rationing

So Taparelli’s words illustrate a trend reversal, even if there is no shortage of unknowns. When it gets cold and the boilers are turned on, the price of gas will rise again. On the coldest days of winter, Italy can consume 400 million cubic meters of gas per day. Half comes from the network and the other half from stocks formed in the summer when consumption is low. If winter had many days of frost, had it not been for Russian gas in late February or early March, we would have run out of supplies. Therefore, we will have to reduce consumption. The head of Nomisma Energia explained: “In Italy, but also in Europe, we must establish more gas extraction and energy production systems. Seeing import of liquefied natural gas from Texas is absurd, we should ask the Netherlands to Norway to see us the lowest gas price, let’s reconsider Libya which is full of gas. We’re heading towards legalization, and everyone knows it. We can only do it if it is hot, but it is winter.”

Melon, concrete action against inflation to maneuver

In a letter of confidence in the House of Representatives Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stressed the need to intervene in price growth, also driven by expensive energy. In the face of inflation, he said, “it is necessary to intervene with measures aimed at increasing the disposable income of families, starting with reducing taxes on productivity allowances, from further raising the exemption threshold for so-called fringe benefits and from enhancing the welfare of companies. At the same time, we must be able to expand The scope of basic goods that benefit from the reduced value-added tax to 5%. Concrete measures, which we will explain in detail in the next budget law, which we are already working on. “

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