“From her aggressive words no more provocations” – Corriere.it

“From her aggressive words no more provocations” – Corriere.it

Cardinals controversy over use of Vatican funds: ‘You know more than anyone the pain of the unjust accusation’

Vatican City Cardinal Angelo Picchio wrote an “open letter” to Cardinal George Pell “because he is now compelled by his numerous interventions in many media to which I am unfortunately concerned on several occasions, on the pretexts of their reputation offensive to my personal dignity”. The letter was distributed through Becciu’s attorney, The controversy continues between the cardinals, which has been going on for some time.

Pell was until June 2017 the powerful Governor of the Economics Secretariat, responsible for making the Vatican’s finances transparent, during the period when Picchio was a substitute for the Secretariat. Until then the situation was tense. Then the Australian cardinal was accused of child sexual abuse and tried in Australia, where he spent thirteen months in prison until his final acquittal last year, and the Australian Supreme Court unanimously acquitted him. Meanwhile, Becciu ended up on trial for investing money from the Foreign Ministry, in the center Buying Sloane Street Building in London.

The cause of the dispute was the money the Vatican had sent to Australia during Pell’s indictment and during his trial. To frame Bill? “Some are talking about a possible connection between the problems in the world of finance here and my problems in Australia, but we have no proof. We know that some money went from the Vatican to Australia, $2.230, but so far no one has explained why,” Bill said in early November. He recently repeated this concept in a conversation with National Catholic Register: “I have a question for Cardinal Pesio. Can you tell us why the money was sent?”. in his message, Becciu wrote of the “unfounded reconstructions evident” “You know better than anyone else the pain of unjust accusation and the suffering that innocent people – of which I am no less than you – must endure during a trial,” he says.
And he adds: “The bonds of profound respect for the Holy See that we represented, as well as the cardinal dignity with which we uphold, must prevent these general provocations, which are difficult to understand for our faithful and for those who expect an entirely different attitude from men of the Church.” Thus he concludes: “It is precisely because of the absolute respect I have for the court, strong and alive in me, that I will not respond to you publicly, but I will wait for the right moment, before the impartial third judge, to answer a point and make the institutions appreciate the absence of an absolute basis for the accusations against me. Even that Then, I am sure, that this general appeal which I take, extending at any rate with a sense of fraternity and ecclesial communion, can better advise you of a different attitude, and refrain from engaging me in public discourse.”

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Dec 22, 2021 (change on Dec 22, 2021 | 21:15)

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