From 23 to 30 September

From 23 to 30 September

Get back there Science Week with Frascati Sciencesfrom September 23 to 30 starting with Ex Cartiera Latina in Rome, in the Appia Antica park in Rome with the launch event on September 23, which will start the dancing, while the date is with the 2023 edition of A night dedicated to researchers It is set, by tradition, for the last Friday in September, which this year will be the 29th.

The event is part of a broad perspective Bringing citizens closer to scienceis necessary to confront the ever-increasing phenomenon of doubt and distrust towards scientific knowledge, which many no longer acknowledge as having the near-miraculous power that humans have always acknowledged.

This is what it’s called Scientific denialThis is evident in those who reject all scientific truth because they have lost trust in scientists, leading to widespread obscurantism. Reasons for this Numbness in critical thinking It should be investigated in depth, but in the meantime science is trying to treat it with events that can bring it closer to citizens.

Leaf or…curing the future of the planet

The theme is always LEAF – Healing the future of the planet That’s by saying He cares about the future of the planetThe topics covered reflect the objectives European Green Deal: From farm to fork, biodiversity, circular economy, zero pollution, toxic-free environments, health and well-being, energy and resource efficiency in buildings, secure energy, smart and sustainable mobility.

Frascati Scienza, the nerve center of LEAF, is among the largest research centers in Europe. Comprehensive scientific publishing, in collaboration with the very famous Vincenzo Schettini (The Physics We Love) and Willy Guasti (Zoosparkle). They range from space to deep blue, from bees to satellites, from food to biodiversity. There is something for all tastes and all ages.

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The largest scientific facts on the Italian scene, fromIstatthe National Institute of Statistics, through which it will be possible to navigate the maze of data and measure habits, sports skills, choices and interests, inEuropean Space Agencythe European Space Agency, which opens its doors and allows the public to discover how its research programs contribute every day to making our lives more aware of our planet and the entire universe, from CreatesA food and nutrition research center in which we will play with the science linking agriculture, food, education and sustainability IRC Foundation Cancer Research, which will take the audience on a journey to discover the most strange and wonderful stages in the development of oncology research.

there Umberto Veronesi Foundation Visitors will be escorted to Smugville, the city of the latest web game designed to talk about the dangers associated with pollutants, insteadUniversity of Rome Tor Vergatapresent with many events during the Frascati Week (but also with events in Rome), tells all about evolutionary biology, ecology, biodiversity and marine ecosystems, including skeletons and anthropology.

“The launch event represents the starting point and the arrival point: Our Science Week is underway, and this year it has proudly reached its 18th edition – He explains Matteo MartiniNuclear physicist and President of Frascati Senza – AndAfter months of work, we see what appeared on paper only a few days ago being achieved. The 2022 edition brought great satisfaction, and this second year of LEAF promises to be even richer: 400 events in 34 Italian cities, in collaboration with 47 partners who seek every year to bring together science, research and, above all, researchers in front of people. . Today more than ever – Martini concludes “There is a need to reconnect and trust between those who produce science and those who benefit from it: all of us.”

With the Science in playLet’s get started To one week for all sciencesIn many Italian cities, With a very rich program For all ages. In addition to Frascati and Rome, 15 other cities in Lazio are participating in #LEAF, in addition to Parma, Piacenza, Benevento, Naples, Avellino, Matera, Potenza, Rende, Palermo, Catania, Cefalu, Carbonia, Sassari, Genoa, Turin, Trento and Noventa Padovana.

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Science Week is also available online

Moreover, many online events are organized by CREA (learn by playing with Oleario), by the Pontine Land of Latina Museum (meeting with chemist Luigi Campanella), by IFO (live social broadcast on fibromyalgia and skin diseases, issues that often What has not been properly covered in the media. We will talk clearly about research since San Gallicano is the only public research center for diagnosis and treatment in skin diseases), from Bambino Gesù (Live broadcast on social media on 29/9 at approximately 3.30 pm To discuss in cooperation with experts from the hospital, some current issues. Young people and families following the live broadcast will have the opportunity to interact and discuss with doctors) and the Giano Lounge, which offers very complex scientific role-playing games.

Games, laboratories and experiments Science in play Under the guidance of excellent Researchers will enjoy exploring the four kingdoms: BiodiversiLand, SpreCastello, Antro del Cambiamento, and Luna.

It is necessary for the event on the 23rd Bookingwhich is already open to this link. In fact, the route between the Four Kingdoms includes alternating entries for groups of about 100 people.

Reservations: All events are free, some are for schools, others are for children, by age group, and others are for all tastes, live and online.

The program and reservations for all events are available on the website Frascati is divided into two main sections: Which Exclusively for schools And This is for everyone. Events can be selected by city, by objective, by joint organizing body, by date.

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LEAF is funded by the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01 program of the European Commission, under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101060194.

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