Flogging Against Slavery Contains Racial Insult, 343 I Apologize and Correct – Nerd4.life

Flogging Against Slavery Contains Racial Insult, 343 I Apologize and Correct – Nerd4.life

343 Industries was recently published in infinite aura For cosmetic contents associated with Juneteenth, the annual celebration of the end of slavery in the USA. leather from Logo It is called a racist slander. The team apologized for the error and corrected everything.

Specifically, as you can see from the image below, the color palette in question is named “bonobos‘, this is a kind of primate. Given that we are talking about a slogan dedicated to ending slavery in the United States, and therefore intended primarily for blacks, for many it was inappropriate to use this term. Terms related to monkeys are often used as a racial insult against people of color ( The bonobos are not a monkey, but racism doesn’t care about the classification.) So 343 changed the name of the Halo Infinite logo to “Freedom”.

Bonobo, the offensive halo skin
Bonobo, the offensive halo skin

Bonnie Ross – founder and president of 343 Industries – apologized via Twitter, writing, “We noted that a color option for our Juneteenth logo contained an offensive term. The team promptly resolved the issue with an update.”

a second tweet It was then clarified that 343 is “a studio and franchise committed to inclusion, where everyone is welcomed and supported to be themselves. On behalf of all 343, I apologize for making party time detrimental.”

John Junesic – the chief community manager at 343 – later clarified that the name “Bonobo” refers to one inner working tool from the team. He also claims that it was not their plan to use the term as a name for the leather.

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Speaking of another kind of problem, the price of Halo armor is back to what it was before the controversy.

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