Filmus visited Salta to promote the science and knowledge industry

Filmus visited Salta to promote the science and knowledge industry

National Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation Daniel Vilmus Visited with lots of news about the county. He started his tour early in the morning Gran BorWhere after meeting the governor Gustavo Sainz, Head to the central hall of the Government Palace with regional officials The Salta Fund was introduced to promote a knowledge economy and agro-industrial technology.

It is a $50 million fund to develop technologies that meet the current and future needs of the manufacturing sector and to re-launch agribusiness in the province.And financing innovative proposals that promote the creation of good jobs, the provision of new products or services based on knowledge and technology, with the potential for internationalization.

Non-refundable grants of between 3 and 5 million pesos per project will be awarded. Small and medium-sized businesses interested in participating in this line of credit must register via the website. Regional Agency for Scientific Promotion and Technological Innovation of Salta.

Head of the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (R + D + i Agency), Fernando Pieranoand Minister of Education in Salta. Mattia CanepaFilmus has announced that it is the first Salta Fund to Revive the Knowledge Economy and has been designed by the regional agency for the promotion of science and technology innovation and its national counterpart.

Filmus highlighted this Salta, along with Córdoba and Mendoza, are the only three provinces that have made progress in establishing specific agencies and in implementing specific development and promotion projects for SMEs. He complained that science and technology are “by far the most uneven regions in Argentina”, with “85% concentrated in four jurisdictions, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Greater Buenos Aires and the city of Buenos Aires”.

In the meantime, he said that it is necessary to produce three points to move forward in the desired development plan: “The first is the interconnection between the academic world and the productive world, because we need research to serve the needs of our society. If we want to change the matrix of production in a country, we must add value to it through innovation.“.

He pointed out that “the second example is public and private expression, and the third is what happens between the nation and the provinces,” and stressed that these three elements will be achieved in Salta. Science and technology are the key to determining their future, and we’ve never seen it before, like in a pandemic Those who monopolize knowledge also monopolize the right to life, and they can decide who lives or notused by the national official.

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In turn, Canepa appreciated the importance of being able to select projects based on the needs of the respective provinces, such as focusing on agro-industrial technology. “We want our manufacturing system to integrate technology throughout the manufacturing process through to marketing The education minister said the product has the potential for escalation.

It is estimated that today there are about 600 SMEs in Salta dedicated to the knowledge industry and they hope, through promotion, that more will be added in the coming years.

Jump, a window to the universe

After a while, the same team, surrounded by the Secretary of the Scientific and Technological Expression of the Nation, Juan Pablo Paz; conical head Anna Maria Franchi; that the National Atomic Energy Authority (CNEA), Adriana Circusand Board Member of Enacom, Salta Gonzalo Quilodran, Move into the CNEA building in Salta for advertising The launch of the high-tech Qubic observatory with the arrival of its telescope from France, as well as the relaunch of the Llama project, which was paralyzed during the presidency of Mauricio Macri due to budget cuts.

At the same time, since the realization of these two projects, as well as other ideas such as developments in the Interpretation Center, generated the possibility of creating a new center for the promotion of astronomical knowledge and tourism through the development and transformation of the La Cité area. to reply, via Create a “jumped window into the universe”.

This project aims to improve the county’s capabilities to host large observatories and science facilities in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, such as Qubic and LLAMA, both located in Alto Chorrillos, near San Antonio de Los Cobres.

In the case of Qubic, a team of 150 researchers, technicians and administrators will install a high-tech telescope at Puna Salteña at an altitude of 4,900 metres., through which they will try to capture radiation to study the moment when the universe arose. With this telescope, they can detect the presence of gravitational waves that were produced in the early stages of the great explosion. The value of this project is about 5 million dollars, one of which is provided by Argentina and the other through financing France, Italy and Germany.

It’s a unique project in the world with this kind of technology and trying to do these studies,” Alberto Ischin, director of Qubic in Argentina, told Salta/12.In detail, they plan to conduct the first tests in March 2022.

The Qubic Telescope is actually located at CNEA Salta.

About 800 meters from there, the construction and operation of the Argentine-Brazilian radio telescope, LLAMA, was confirmed by the contract signed between MINCyT and INVAP, which began in 2014 and paralyzed the entire administration. Let’s change.

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“The wrong decisions were made out of laziness and carelessness, and the antenna was moved to extreme heights without all the equipment remaining in place,” said Juan Pablo Paz, secretary of the country’s scientific and technological hinge. Between 2015 and 2019, “politics of deterioration and public disinterest in science” prevailed.

The Minister of National Science and Technology indicated that Monday marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the first astronomical observatory, in the province of CordobaOn the initiative of the President Domingo Faustino SarmientoHe stressed, in that period, between 1868 and 1871, when its usefulness was discussed, “many said that one should not invest in astronomy because there are always other needs.” “And it was Sarmiento and Avellaneda who found that astronomy was important to the development of science and to the sovereignty of a country, something we have continued to discuss 150 years later with some sectors of society such as those of the previous administration who decided not to continue contributing to the LLAMA project and they made the ministry I run disappear.”

That is why it was necessary to install this astronomical pole in Salta “which means investing millions of dollars and requires other developments in the infrastructure of the region, such as communications and electricity, which leads to a greater development of its inhabitants. It has also become a tourist attraction.”

Filmus felt that all these advances in science and technology were partially responsive to it science and technology funding laws and knowledge economy laws, “This allows for very important investments in this sector.” There he noted that the Alberto Fernandez administration inherited 0.24% of GDP in investments in this matter, “the lowest in many years.” While today it is 0.31% “e We aim to reach 1% by 2032“.

For the minister, all these investigations will improve the conditions for the development of added value, he said that in the lithium table, He told the governor that they should continue to work together so that the investigation “adds value to lithium on a national level and not just an export.”

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In turn, Gonzalo Quilodran explained that the National Communications Agency, by signing the Interinstitutional Union Window on the Universe, would be responsible for expanding communications “in a project that we have already implemented”. ENACOM will be responsible for carrying the optical fibers “that depart from the ARSAT node a few kilometers from San Antonio de los Cobres”, and will travel along National Route 51 in Olacapato, and via Regional Route 129, in Santa Rosa de los Bastos Grandes. And then, through Zone 27, there will be a 130-kilometre extension to the Tullar Grande.

This fibrous ring borders Alto Chorrillos, where the astronomical pole with its observatories will be installed. The official said that progress has already been made in this regard and that the first tests of Qubic may already be completed in 2022, At a cost of about $60 million.

Late Andes

Filmus culminates in its journey to a scientific innovation firm examining the passage of geological time applicable to the oil and gas industry, and public and private capital between Conicet and Pyme Geomap, the late Andes, “This is the example we want to set, when we look at what is happening in the world, we see that countries must be at the forefront of scientific and technological research and progress. After that, it is necessary to communicate with the private sector until it reaches the hands of everyone absolutely.”

In geology, there are only four teams in the world as Salta, i.e. Unique in Latin America which can date the rocks between 1 and 4.4 billion years ago to determine oil or gas production in specific places. Also, in this research center located in Vakeros District, it was Andino 3, which has already been sold internationally, and Magnetometro Criogénico, Cri.AR, with the aim of developing a high-resolution magneto-magneto-analysis for taking measurements and samples.

“The pandemic has shown us that those who have invested in getting the vaccine are the countries that are cooperating with the companies, and today we have an active case in science and technology and what they have told us in the last four years that it was the same thing to make here or buy it, we have to create the conditions to be able On developing it here and getting a super advantage,” Vilmus concluded.

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