Festival project: scientific, cultural and make-up competition

Festival project: scientific, cultural and make-up competition

Kareem – “Karim…of beauty». Copywriters have suggested the title for the ambitious new project envisioned by the mayor Fabio Bergamschi In collaboration with the main players of Cosmetics Valley: a major festival that aims to focus on the concept of polycentric beauty, a retreat «socialized» in a functional, ideal and even spiritual key. In short: the idea is to be a great event able to combine the historical and artistic vocation of the city’s beauties with the excellence of the cosmetics production system that has its navel in the Crema region. To give life to a large-scale exhibition focused on aesthetics.

The roadmap is still being worked out, but the project is already defined at least in its core features, he explains Renato Ankorotti, new senator of the Parliamentary Committee for Industry and founder of Ancorotti Cosmetics which, in the former Olivetti di Crema factories, produces a quarter of the mascaras on the world market. If Ancurotti enthusiastically embraced design drawing, he did the same Matteo MorettiPolo della Cosmeci man’s guide. How to say: The two most distinguished pillars in the production sector in the Karima region are the best guarantee for the aspirations of the …. Jameel initiative.

Senator and cosmetic businessman from Crema Renato Ancorotti

Not just makeup

«The intuition of the beauty fest is entirely up to Mayor Bergamci – Ankorotti says -. We discussed and we are convinced that the ideas to work on are many and interesting. I would like to contribute to the construction of a technical, scientific and cultural program to complement a competition dedicated to beauty professionals: a kind of MasterChef in Aesthetics. Without a doubt, Cosmetica Italia and Polo della Cosmesi will be able to make a qualified contribution to this great project ». To underscore, in essence, the desire of the company to collaborate between Ancorotti and Moretti to exchange experiences and knowledge to put it at the service of the city.

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Also in Cremona Gallery

If the beauty festival is to inhabit the city’s spaces, Ancurotti also views Cremona as the setting for a parallel event focused on promoting a Made in Italy product as key to the development of the cosmetics system.. “At the moment it is only a hypothesis – he emphasizes -, but I believe there is a possibility to start a process with CremonaFiere and in partnership with other trade fairs to present this sector on a prestigious international stage. I will undertake to organize meetings with the fair to bring an innovative format to Cremona, based on those aspects From the world of cosmetics that has not been addressed in similar events and already unified. Dimensions of cosmetics are rich in faces and certainly there are spaces and opportunities to build something important.

Dream: From Pirena to Center for Studies

Training center and hub

Within the framework of the “City of Beauty” imagined by Ancurotti, training is an essential lever capable of unleashing virtuous dynamics. “Crema is betting with conviction on cosmetics and beauty, and for this reason, I believe it is necessary to expand the existing laboratory to create a national center of excellence – as the entrepreneur and senator states -. The spaces of the former university are well suited to host a center where Ifts courses, courses and even short courses are grouped, in order to ensure continuity in training courses for future professionals in the sector. And I think we can think bigger: my dream is to set up a center within the former Pirena farm to welcome students, potentially arriving from all over the world.».

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Not just wishful thinking: «I have already spoken about this with Mayor Bergamchi as well, who seems ready to support my idea – explains Ankurutti -. The goal is to envision and organize a reality of sheer prestige, capable of offering a huge pool of young people tangible career opportunities along a highly visible supply chain. This design line will prove to be a driver of regional expansion and will secure the city an important upgrade to its reputation. I strongly believe in him.

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