Fedez’s aunt who died of covid. Instagram Animated Message- Corriere.it

Fedez’s aunt who died of covid.  Instagram Animated Message- Corriere.it
From Federica Banderali

Fedez’s aunt who died of covid. The artist called her up on social media with a post (You raised me in my childhood, because you were the son you had never given birth to) and thanked the health workers.

You raised me in my childhood, For you I was the son you never had before. I’ve been dealing with it for 20 years Battle against a great evil, never give up. When you told us about your Covid positivity in my heart, I knew it would be a great deal for you too.

To write it down, in his Instagram Stories, it was today videos, at the Federico Lucia registry office, thus proclaiming Aunt’s death. I want to convince myself that you have found the peace that this life unjustly wished to give. Hello warrior, hello aunt, the pioneering singer continues.

Videz, 32, husband of Chiara Ferragni and father of Leon and Vitoria, has always thanked the doctors who took care of his niece via social media. Thank you to all the doctors and nurses in the Pulmonology Department of São Paulo Hospital – and to conclude – thanks for your last attempt but above all thanks for the great humanity. An aunt with whom Federico was certainly related but kept in complete secrecy and privacy until the moment of his death.

Jan 31 2022 (change on Jan 31 2022 | 18:09)

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