Everything was confiscated during the search of Koldo Garcia's home

Everything was confiscated during the search of Koldo Garcia's home

BarcelonaThe judicial investigation into the Koldo case continues on its course. A complaint from the Public Prosecution of Madrid denouncing irregularities in millionaire public contracts for the year 2020, the first year of the pandemic, which was brought forward through the emergency route and which affected the Ministries of Transport and the Interior, and ended with the arrest of Koldo García, the right-hand man of former Minister José Luis Albalos. So, it is an alleged corruption case that inevitably ended in the overthrow of the former minister, and expanded this Thursday with a new chapter after the search of the house of the former Abalos advisor.

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This information, published by Europa Press, appears after careful entry and registration carried out by the Central Operations Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard, which forms part of the summary of the Koldu case. The search began on February 20 at 9:19 a.m., at the home of Koldo García and Patricia Oriz in Polop (Alicante), where nine firearms, 23 mobile phones and 24 thousand euros in cash, which were deposited in the bank, were confiscated. The account used as a judicial deposit. The arsenal consisted of three rifles, a Browning rifle, a revolver, and several other rifles. In another report, the Civil Guard found that Koldo García had a weapons licence.

Search Koldo Garcia's brother's house

While checking in and out, the agents also confiscated crypto assets worth approximately €586 in a bank account. Additionally, officers seized 12 hard drives, laptops, digital recorders, an iPad and several USB devices, as well as several boxes of documents and handwritten notes.

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On the other hand, the summary also details the diligence in entering the house of Koldo García's brother, Josepa García, who is also being investigated. During this search at his home in Benidorm, in addition to various computers, 5,860 euros in cash and “a tie bearing the old emblem of the Civil Guard, with the head of an eagle,” were confiscated. According to the agents, this was the slogan of the information service of the security forces.

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