European Researchers’ Night 2022 LEAF di Frascati Scienza, dates also in Ariccia, Grottaferrata and Nemi

European Researchers’ Night 2022 LEAF di Frascati Scienza, dates also in Ariccia, Grottaferrata and Nemi

We are working tirelessly on ‘European Scholars’ Night #LIFE’ which will commemorate the departure of the wand between summer and fall 2022.

Researchers, in Italy as well as in Europe and the world, are working to find solutions, and in September those in the massive network created by ‘Frascati Scienza’, along with many European venues, invited citizens of all ages to approach them to ask questions and seek answers. Knowing.

The theme around which the entire Science Week of events organized by Frascati Scienza and its many partners (research centres, universities, hospitals, research societies and science enthusiasts) is caring for the planet, understood as a cure for the future of humanity.

August 2022

The crises we are experiencing, from climate to food, and from energy to health, are at the heart of the work of researchers in all fields, and it is no coincidence that many of the events scheduled for September relate directly to hot topics for humanity. We talk about wheat, food and crop sustainability, as well as solutions for energy, viruses, bacteria, water and drought, but also space, air, pollution, land, biodiversity, soil… That means the acronym #LEAF: heaL thE plAnet`s Future, Caring for the Future of the Planet, title of tonight’s 17th edition Organized by Frascati Scienza, the oldest in our country. But there are many Italian projects participating in this night that celebrate the quest heroes across Europe. Indeed, Italy, with 8 projects funded by the European Commission, is the European country that primarily celebrates research champions.

The number of locations participating in the program is increasing, #LEAF will be in 23 cities this year. A lot will happen in Rome, where between universities (Roma Tre, Tor Vergata, LUMSA and Unitelma Sapienza), research centers of institutions, hospitals and universities (Bambino Gesù, Gemelli, Campus Bio-Medico, IFO-IRCCS, EBRI) and CREA, ICR (Central Institute for restoration) the Bank of Italy will calculate many events. It is clear that Frascati, as a city located in one of the largest research centers in Europe, will host hundreds of events for young and old.

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Then again, Ariccia, Arpino, Colleferro, Carbonia, Cassino (many appointments at the University of Cassino and Lower Lazio), Grottaferrata, Frosinone, Gorga, Latina, Monterotondo, Nemi, Padua (where scaffolding is invited to visit della Cappella degli Scrovegni), Palermo , Parma (with various events organized by the university), Pofi, Pontecagnano Faiano, Potenza, Rende, Ripi, Sestu, and thus move between small and large cities, from north to south and from east to west of the peninsula.

It will be a trip in search, the science week trip starting on September 24 and ending on October 1, highlighting September 30, the official date of European Night, to which young people are invited (many events are exclusively for them, for those with a future), girls and boys From all ages. A journey in many meanings, in many sciences, and in many ways of travel, between test tubes, machines, micro and macro lenses, in laboratories, and outside walls, in search of scientific surprises of all kinds on scientific trips led by researchers, or in laboratories established On the street, in schools, in the yards, and even in hospitals, to allow research to experiment and even play everywhere.

Approximately four hundred appointments a week, to understand food sciences, those of space, energies, physics, chemistry of the environment, cutting-edge technologies for caring for art, building construction, understanding the past, and investigating (as the children of Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital do along with Carabinieri at A dedicated CSI-style lab), to follow water pathways, live sustainably, and have a future. There will also be an awards ceremony to choose the best food maker: if you are a foodie, take part in the Invent the Food of the Future contest launched by CREA and test yourself!

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Find out more about the program and champions at 2022 LEAF European Researchers ‘Night in frascati Know, keep following all the news on the site


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