Science, the Higgs boson puts on a show: videotaping 10 years after its discovery

Science, the Higgs boson puts on a show: videotaping 10 years after its discovery

there Particle physics reach to Videocittà – Festival of Vision and Digital Culturewith the Video layout “Discovery shapes and colors”, Made by‘Infn To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the discovery Higgs boson. from July 13-16 in general Rome gasometerA display of lights, shapes, and sounds will transform the facade of a factory, taking viewers inside the CERN laboratory, where the discovery was made. Performances will begin at 10 p.m. On the facade of the building – to let Infn know – you can follow the molecules in their race at unimaginable speeds inside Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest particle accelerator in existence, until they collide in extremely high-energy collisions that create fountains of new particles. Then the architectural elements are transformed into detectors atlas and cms particles, Highly sophisticated and tall like buildings, millions of such clashes per second are witnessed. Among the collisions lies the Higgs boson, the particle that gave mass to elementary particles, a moment after the birth of the universe. The discovery of the Higgs boson has written a new chapter in the physics textbook: the announcement of… Discovery, on July 4, 2012 at Cern, He was followed in 2013 by Nobel Prize for two physicists who proposed the existence of the particle, Peter Higgs and Francois Englert. Now in its fifth edition, the Videocittà Festival explores the most advanced forms of audiovisual and digital languages. The event targets a broad and heterogeneous audience through performances, AV presentations, educational and informational talks, large and immersive installations, video mapping and video art. Videomaps for Higgs Discovery fits into this context by taking on the challenge of telling a science story through an engaging visual experience, and working at the intersection of art, science, and technology to convey scientific content through innovative technologies. The project was developed in 2022 with Luca Agnani Studio – Video Projection Mapping and presented for the first time at the Science Festival 2022 on the facade of the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, with the contribution of ASG Supercondutors.

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