Esteve has increased his sales by 10% and will build a new factory

Esteve has increased his sales by 10% and will build a new factory

It opened the year 2024 by announcing its first major acquisition deal after opening its capital, for the first time, to an investment fund. Now I announce that the deal has been closed within a very good financial context for the company. The pharmaceutical company Esteve increased its business volume by 10% in 2023, with its invoices reaching 710 million euros between January and December, and raised its profits by 6% to 60 million. “The generation of results is healthy and positive, and the balance sheet position is very good: this gives us the basis to continue Esteve’s transformation path, which should lead us to become a reference, specialized and global company,” CFO Roser Jumila summed up in the results presentation.

According to what was put on the table last year, the plan was to increase the size of the business line dedicated to manufacturing proprietary medicines. However, the area that continues to carry weight is the manufacturing of effective principles for other companies. If the first business increases its income by about 2% compared to 2022 (moving towards 260 million in total), the second advances by about 18% to 446 million. Jumila linked the growth trend of this sector to “technological specialisation” and to seeing its clients as a “very technologically advanced” partner.

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