ERC offers a persistent list of elections, without torrents or verges

ERC offers a persistent list of elections, without torrents or verges

Republican Left of Catalonia He had already announced his candidacy for the elections scheduled in Catalonia on May 12. It will be at the top of the list Peter AragonesFor Barcelona and at the top of other lists Laia Kanigiral For Girona, Marta Villalta For Leda W Raquel Sans For Tarragona.

President Aragonés and Vice President, Laura VillagraHe leads the nomination for Barcelona and No. 3 is the head of the parliamentary group so far. Joseph Maria Jove, awaiting trial on October 1. The MP repeats No. 4 Najat Darwish. It is also served again Robin Wagensburg, as No. 9, who is in Switzerland to obtain legal advice for the Democratic Tsunami case. On the other hand, in this election, the person who was No. 3 three years ago, the Chancellor, will not run Roger TorrentNor the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Alba VergesWhich was number 6

In running for Girona. Jordi Viñas Laia Canigiral will be second in command; They will accompany them Anna Torrenta I Jordi Oropetj Also 3 and 4 of the list. In running for Tarragona, Albert Salvado It is No. 2 from Raquel Sans. No. 3 will occupy it Irene AragonesAnd it will be fourth place Carles Castillo. Close list Tarragona, Montserrat Palauprofessor at URV and former deputy of Junts pel Sí.

In the running for Lleida, Marta Villalta leads the list Josep, Pepe, Vidal From No. 2; Montse Burgess He will go as number 3; I Albert Turol, in fourth place. Close Leda Menu Carmen VidalCommissioner General Valverdo.

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Aragonés: “The impossible does not appear in our dictionary”

President of Catalonia and ERC candidate in the elections in Catalonia, Peter AragonesHe was responsible for establishing the National Council. He stressed that the Egyptian Red Crescent team is strong, combines experience and youth, is diverse, and includes teams of women and men ready to bear all responsibilities. He said, “If one thing is clear, it is that those who present proposals and set concrete and acceptable goals are the people of the Egyptian Red Crescent.” “Catalonia will choose whether to be governed by those who face difficulties, resign and leave. Those who will not defend the country's interests and will act as delegates of Moncloa, or ERC, who have made the country more advanced than ever before.”

Aragones praised his government's work over the past three years: “We are a government facing difficulties. In the face of the difficulties the country is going through, we will never give up.” He also took the opportunity to highlight the agreed referendum proposal that he presented today with the President of the Institute for Autonomy Studies, John Rideau. “It is a strong and legally insoluble way for Catalonia to vote in an agreed and linked referendum,” he told the National Assembly this afternoon.

The Spanish government has already closed the door on Aragonés' proposal. Pilar AlegríaThe government spokesman said that the initiative completely contradicts the position of the Spanish executive authority. “No, we do not share this position at all […]. Our position is clear, it is radically opposite, it is coexistence, it is reunification, it is to continue moving forward.” President Aragonés says that today he heard the usual answer. “The same Spanish government that says no to individual financing, to the transfer of a vital minimum income. What he said was no to amnesty and it will be a fait accompli.” “They tell us this is impossible,” he shouted, “but what the ERC staff knows is that impossible does not appear in our dictionary. We will make it possible if the citizens of Catalonia want it.”

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