Elena Barolo and Georgia Palmas back together | But watch out for the intruder [foto]

Elena Barolo and Georgia Palmas back together |  But watch out for the intruder [foto]

It is a photo posted by the beautiful Elena on Instagram to confirm the reunion of two of the most beloved “showgirls” by the public.

Two of the most famous “showgirls” in history. We are talking about the wonderful Giorgia Palmas and Elena Barolo. Two beautiful women are back together today after years of success in “Striscia la Notizia”. But… there are always good stories…Elena Barolo and Georgia Palmas back together |  But watch out for the intruder [foto]Originally from Cagliari, Giorgia Palmas’ career began in 2000, when she finished second in the Miss World 2000 contest in London, and was crowned Miss Europe 2000. Her television debut was from the following year, when she was “Microphonena” in Buona Domenica staff, in that edition managed by Maurizio Costanzo.

but sure, For Georgia Palmas, the celebrity comes from “Striscia la Notizia”. And it was not very clear, because Georgia had a very important legacy that should not be betrayed. On September 23, 2002, she replaced Elisabetta Canalis in “Striscia la Notizia”.

She won the first edition of the Veline show and became, together with the blonde Elena Barolo, the new brunette of Striscia la Notizia initially until June 7, 2003. The couple was very successful and was confirmed until June 5, 2004.

Only 40-year-old Elena Barolo, after years on “Striscia” continued her TV experience. Originally from Turin, she has starred in many very successful TV series: from the TV series “CentoVetrine” to “Il bello delle donne … a few years later”. In the 2020-21 seasons, he is often a guest on Rai’s evening show hosted by Fabio Fazio, “Che Tempo Che Fa”.

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Giorgia Palmas and Elena Barolo are together again

Through the social networks of the two girls, we were able to learn, with great joy, of the reunion between the two former show girls. It is, in particular, Elena who makes a post that testifies and testifies to everything.

The occasion, as mentioned, is the last birthday of Elena, who celebrated 40 years with Giorgia, an important milestone in the life of each of us. The two are, as always, adorable at a famous restaurant table. But she is not alone…

Elena Barolo and Giorgia Palmas together again (Instagram) 12.20.2022 pontilenews
Elena Parolo and Georgia Palmas together again (Instagram)

No, we are not referring to the two comrades sitting at the table (including, of course, former swimmer Filippo Magnini, Giorgia’s partner). but for him, whiskey. No, we’re not even talking about fine distillates. But let’s talk about A beautiful brown dog, who is Elena the Beautiful’s dog. Pictured between the two friends/sisters, it steals the show. More attractive than two of the most beautiful women on Italian television.

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