El Bote Betty, The Rolling Stones from Quixalla in Sabadell

El Bote Betty, The Rolling Stones from Quixalla in Sabadell

For a long time They are a phenomenon In Catalonia, a little Rolling Stones spice. El Pot Petit is a children’s fashion collection. But they are not satisfied with this, and they also want to seduce their parents. To be a group for the whole family.

On Sunday morning they will return to Sabadell, in Parc Catalunya, for a large-scale show with the Black Music Big Band, which will bring about thirty musicians to the stage. It will be a large format show.

The concert is part of the collaboration between Petit Embassa’t and the Observa Festival. El Pot Petit 7 will only offer parties like this during the summer.

“It will be a special concert because we are starting a tour,” says the band’s singer Helena Baggi. “The last time we came to Sabadell, it was really wonderful, with loyal families singing, dancing and giving everything they could. “That’s what we like,” he adds.

Why did El Pot Petit succeed?

One of the keys to the band’s success, according to its singer, is that its music is “attractive because it is appropriate for the age it targets,” although at the same time it “appeals to parents.” In fact, they like to say they’re putting on a family show. “We don’t want parents to get bored, but we like to include them,” he says. The formula they use is to make good arrangements that look good, play with the tone of the show and indulge in some jokes aimed exclusively at parents.

Observa Festival

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Giulietta performed at the Observa Festival on Friday, while MacroAplec Dance Remember took place on Saturday. Star Sergio Dalma will perform next week.

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