editorial. Meanwhile, China is postponing

editorial.  Meanwhile, China is postponing

Data on biodiversity and the loss of a variety of species is getting worse, faster, faster. on me temper natureAt the end of May, the situation was evaluated and reminds us of the urgency of making value decisions for transactions. The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity met in 2021 in China and indicated some of the policies that would be introduced to stop the massacre of biodiversity. But the money invested – she says about it temper nature – It’s very few: numbers are small compared to what is necessary to increase protected areas, stop illegal animal trade, which contributes to the increased likelihood of epidemics.

Then there is the war that is increasingly removing the possibility of international scales on biodiversity. And there is another element of concern: the country that will host the next meeting is China, which – due to the pandemic – has postponed these meetings for two years. It is not clear who governs this process, where the funds for biodiversity come from and who manages and distributes it. In short, China is being asked for greater participation, more transparency and environmentally friendly washing. And here I add an argument: we can really demand transparency from a country that is undemocratic and does not have a democratic management of information, not even sensitive and sensitive ones of great use. Can we really practice science internationally when half of the world’s countries are undemocratic and do not respect the basic rules of freedom of scientific research?

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Finally, it is suggested – if China does not decide to call the meetings – to move the meeting to other countries. In the meantime, I would like to remind you that in Italy – these days – within the funds of the PNRR, a national center dedicated to biodiversity. Finally, a great opportunity with certain funds for specific goals and for promotion and communication, to study Italian biodiversity.

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