Dragon's Dogma 2: Players want to kill all unnecessary characters to improve fluency

Dragon's Dogma 2: Players want to kill all unnecessary characters to improve fluency

My players Dragon's Doctrine 2 We are determined to improve Frame rate The game is at any cost… really at all, in the sense that they organize themselves to kill off NPCs (non-player characters) that are deemed useless. Capcom has actually made it clear that performance issues depend specifically on them and on how the system calculates the impact of their presence on the surrounding environment. So this is the solution: exterminate them.

We can also wait for the final patch, but the path of carnage seems more attractive to many, also because the NPCs killed in Dragon's Dogma 2 are still dead, so they are effectively eliminated from the game. In short, Capcom appears to have created a cycle that encourages genocide.


The players plan to massacre NPCs
The players plan to massacre NPCs

Eliminating NPCs doesn't happen irrationally. In fact, players organize themselves Reddit To understand which characters can be eliminated without consequences, i.e. without losing quests and content. Others suggested a faster method: kill them after missions.

Frankly, this behavior seems a bit inconsistent with the story the game is telling, but frame rate is clearly more important than anything else for some. Who knows if Capcom thought about what would happen by talking openly about the NPC issue.

For the rest, we remind you that Dragon's Dogma 2 is available for PC, Xbox Series For more details read our review.

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