District heating in Milan, bills double for those who opt for renewable sources – Corriere.it

District heating in Milan, bills double for those who opt for renewable sources – Corriere.it
From Maurizio Janatasio

The ecological choice of 223,000 citizens was punished. Example of former social housing in Chiesa Rossa: in one year, from 10.8 euros per square meter to 20 euros. In addition, it is exempt from the tax exemption for electricity and natural gas

From 10.8 euros per square meter to 20. It should have been a far-sighted choice aimed at saving energy on the one hand and respecting the environment on the other, because it relies to a large extent on renewable energy sources. So it looks double He mocks the decision of 223,000 Melanie who have chosen district heating in recent years As an alternative to heating your home, company or office. Although it is partly related to gas or electricity Increases due to war Make businesses and shops turn upside down, District heating bill practically doubles from year to year As evidenced by the final equilibrium of the thermal power plant Former social housing in Chiesa Rosa past From €10.8 per square meter in 2020-2021 to €20 in 2021-2022.

a The scorpion This makes it difficult for many people who have chosen district heating to specifically identify expenses and increases. with more paradox That those who chose district heating have seen it Excluded from government tax exemption on electricity and natural gas.

but to no avail Letter addressed at the end of March by Mayor Pepe Sala and his colleagues from Brescia, Varese and Turin to the government. First Citizens remind Ministers Franco, Singolani and Giorgiette of the measures taken for natural gas with the value-added tax being reduced to 5% while nothing has been done to heat up the area. plus one Unjustified difference in treatment From families, businesses, and foundations – type mayors -, a big one will be created A disincentive to district heating, in stark contrast to environmental goals For the heating and cooling sector … Task 2 of the NRP.

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The message did not receive a response. On the other hand, A2A Calore e Servizi, in early August, also froze the price for the fourth quarter of the year. A2A also decided to intervene in the fourth quarter for the benefit of its customersbanning the price component linked to Pun (individual national price) that promotes the use of heat generated from renewable sources, remains set at €200.721/MWh compared to €368/MWh which will be incorporated into the formula taking into account trends from June and July and August.

Savings of 50 euros for district heating, but it is not enough to meet the high prices so that it will be in the coming days by the yearEnvironment and Energy Association in cooperation with i Commissions of the Grattosolio District, Red Church, Torreta, San Siro, Comacina, Gallarates leave one A popular petition to demand a change in the algorithm used to determine the fare. In Algorithm – Explains Aldo UglianoCenter Left Historical Adviser – There are three elements as indicators for determining the tariff: the cost of gas, the cost of electricity, and the cost of waste used to operate the Waste-to-Energy Vigno plant. We require the weight of the waste component to be significantly increased in the algorithm. 63% of Milanese have cooperated to separate waste collection, which has helped to make our city one of the most virtuous European capitals, so it is only right that these citizens get Recognition of the supply of fuel for the operation of the waste-to-energy plant.

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30 Aug 2022 (change on 30 Aug 2022 | 09:35)

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