DGT clarifies whether it will withdraw driving licences from those over 65

DGT clarifies whether it will withdraw driving licences from those over 65

DGT clarifies whether it will withdraw driving licences from those over 65Freebeak

In Spain there is almost 9,600,000 people over 65 years old20.3% of the population. The country ranks 23rd among countries with the highest proportion of elderly people, a ranking topped by Japan and Italy. In other words, 1 in 5 Spaniards is over this age, which is why you see older people driving.

The increase in road accidents with the presence of elderly drivers prompted the General Traffic Department to take some measures Preventative measurementsUntil now, the DGT has not had an age limit for permanently withdrawing the driving license of seniors. The organization believes that anyone can drive a car as long as they hold a valid driving license and pass periodic physical and psychological tests.

DGT measures

However, the DGT has taken measures to ensure that the drivers are found. able to stay on the road.For this reason, they have reduced the time required to renew the card.

he Type of permit B It is renewed every 10 years until they reach the age of 65. From this age, its validity begins to expire every 5 years. This is not always the case. The General Directorate of Traffic usually changes the laws regulating traffic regulations. Before 2009, the validity was 10 years until the age of 45. After that, the renewal was every five years until the age of 70, and then every two years.

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as time passes on, People’s eyesight and hearing are deteriorating.In addition, various psychological and neurological diseases, diabetes, degenerative diseases, etc. may appear. In this context, the General Traffic Department may reduce the period of renewing the driving license from one to two years or withdraw it permanently.

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