Destroy the last stocks – Il Tempo

Destroy the last stocks – Il Tempo

“Today I am proud to announce that the United States has safely destroyed its last stockpile of munitions, bringing us closer to a world free from the horror of chemical weapons.” This announcement came from US President Joe Biden, who highlighted the completion of the destruction of the last stockpiles of chemical weapons.

Caporetto on the horizon for Russia:

The United States was the last to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention, which came into effect in 1997, with the goal of ending toxic warfare by September 30, 2023. The goal was achieved almost three months ago. During this period, 72,000 tons of stocks were dumped. Fifteen months ago, the United States had less than 600 tons to destroy. Russia announced in 2017 that it would move forward with the total elimination of its chemical weapons within three years, but doubts remain about the effective removal of the stockpiles. Suspicions on the part of the West also towards three other countries: Myanmar, Iran and Syria. Biden stated that “Russia and Syria must respect their commitment to the agreement and recognize their undeclared programs that are used to commit atrocities.” Transparency about such destructive weapons is still lacking.

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