Despite its respect for health rules | Obama’s birthday party is under criticism

Despite its respect for health rules |  Obama’s birthday party is under criticism

(Washington) Although he planned to celebrate his 60se The anniversary, which respects all health orders in force, drew criticism from former Republican camp – mainly in the context of the resurgence of lawsuits over the Delta Variation.

Barack Obama’s party, born on August 4, should take place on the weekends in Martha’s Vineyard, under the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), America’s leading health agency. , According to anonymous sources quoted by the American press.

Those sources say all guests should be vaccinated and tested negative. The event will take place outside and the “Govt-19 Coordinator”, whose exact role is not specified, will be on campus.

In addition, Martha’s vineyard in the state of Massachusetts provided only a moderate spread of the virus, according to CDC data on Monday, which did not trigger the implementation of new recommendations by health officials, even inside those who have been vaccinated.

Republicans chose Donald Trump’s confidant Jim Jordan, however, jokingly in Trump, Democrats would condemn “a dangerous super-campaign event if it was President Trump’s birthday,” and a rally that would end up organizing such “kill people.”

“Are there exceptions to parties attended by rich liberal celebrities?” Asked Republican leader Rona McDonnell.

“Democrats will he (Obama) ask all his guests to wear masks?” », Added to the Lance with another elected Republican.

“The former president, who supports vaccination and following the advice of public health experts, certainly applies to him,” White House spokeswoman Jen Zhaki said Monday, recalling the precautionary measures.

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Incumbent President Joe Biden will not attend.

The Donald Trump administration made headlines after organizing non-masked events at the White House or in government departments, or sometimes at the height of the epidemic and before campaign rallies. Approval for COVID-19 vaccines.

The ceremony honoring President Amy Connie Barrett, who was appointed by the President to sit on the Supreme Court, was particularly suspected of leading to the pollution of a dozen people, including Donald Trump.

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