Deadlines for applying the change

Deadlines for applying the change

Rai License Fee 2023: The dates during which an application for total or partial exemption from paying tax on the national television service can be submitted have changed. Let’s see in the following article the new deadlines and the list of people who can request an exemption.

Deadlines for applying the change

Rai License Fee: Also confirmed for 2023 exemptions From paying the tax to certain categories of taxpayers, however Deadlines for submitting a change request.

See in the next article The deadlines , The procedure to be followed and the list of topics covered by the exemption.

Rai Fee Waiver 2023: Dates change

Entrepreneur planning events, deadlines and agenda

Important news about The deadlines to comply with submission Waiver request Who has paid the Rai license fee 2023. These are the new dates that must be respected:

  • January 31, 2023He did not return on April 30 to seek the waiver annual;
  • June 30, 2023instead of July 31, to seek exemption from second half of the year.

To be exempt from IMU payment, specifications must be submitted compensatory declaration To the revenue agency:

  • via the web, through the application available on the website of the Revenue Agency;
  • By PEC (with digital signature) at the address [email protected];
  • In paper form, by sending by postal service to the address “Agenzia delle Entrate, 1st Territorial Directorate of Turin, Ufficio Canone TV, Casella Posto 22, 10121 Turin” by registered mail without an envelope with a copy of a valid identity document.
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Rai Fee 2023: Exempt subjects

Rai logos

They can provide Waiver request From Paying Rai 2023 License Fee:

  • Seniors over 75 years of age with an income not exceeding 8,000 euros (For the purposes of the right to a fee waiver, it is necessary that the person has reached the age of 75 by January 31, 2022);
  • Army the Italian Armed Forces;
  • Soldiers of foreign nationality belong to NATO forces;
  • Diplomatic and consular agents (but only for those countries for which the same treatment is given to Italian diplomats);
  • Retailers and shops where TVs are repaired;
  • Who declares? I don’t have a TV at home.

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