De Massey and Battiston at the Grand Closing Festival of Science and Philosophy
Dimassi and Batiston Twenty-six unmissable appointments to The fourth and last day of the twelfth “Festival of Science and Philosophy – Virtue and Canosenza”. After the huge success recorded by the audience in the first three days, he promoted and organized the event Laboratory of Experimental Sciences in Foligno Coming to a close, scheduled for Sunday, April 23rd. Thirty-one, however, speakers Who will speak in Foligno, speaks to the common people in the most beautiful halls of the city. Meanwhile, the parallel section of the festival he did City of Fabriano As part of the new collaboration, launched in 2023, by the Laboratory headed and directed by Professors Maurizio Renzini and Pierluigi Mingarelli, together with the Rotary Club of Fabriano and the Municipality of Fabriano.
the program – Back to the program developed for Sunday 23rd Aprilto open the last day of the “Festival of Science and Philosophy” will be, at 10 o’clock, the psychologist Julia Jeezy who will speak in the video room at the San Domenico Hall on “Social network use and psychological well-being in adolescence”; And Marco Andreata, Director of the International Center for Mathematical Research at the National Institute of Higher Mathematics, with an interview entitled “A Journey into the Abstract, between Art and Mathematics”, hosted by the “Dante Alighieri” Municipal Library. Then the morning continues at 11:30 with six more conferences. Among these, “Science and innovation, a little history” with Gran Sasso Institute Professor and Einstein Telescope Project Manager, Fernando Verone, who will speak from the Sala Rossa in the Palazzo Trinci; “Cats know” with the mathematician Bergorgio Odifridi and chemistry Julia Benami, in a dialogue that will be the background of the Municipal Library of Foligno; “Cesare Lombroso and the Human Race” with Professor of Genetics at the University of Ferrara, Guido Barbugani At the San Carlo Theatre. “The Historical Roots of Fake News and Conspiracy” with the scientific journalist Claudia DiGiorgio and historian of pseudoscience Giuseppe Stilo at Santa Caterina Auditorium. However, in the afternoon, among the first speakers who will intervene will be the director of National Geographic, Marco Cataneo, with a conference titled “Water Planet”, hosted by Sala Rossa at Palazzo Trinci. Then, at 16.45, it will be the turn of the Director of the Institute of High Energy Physics in Barcelona, Eugene KocciaA pianist and composer Paola Crisigovanni, the heroes of the concert “Waves in Jazz. The search for gravitational waves in the acoustics of the 20th century ”, which will be the backdrop for the San Domenico Hall. At the same time, in the Sala Rossa of Palazzo Trinci, the Secretary General of the Aspen Institute will speak, Angelo Maria PetroniWith a report entitled “In favor of pure research”. And again, genetics Edward Ponsinelli Which, online, along with Marco Furio FerrarioGraduate of the Philosophy of Science at the University of San Rafael, he will hold a debate entitled “Why are we upset.” The last three appointments, that is, before the conclusion of the “Festival of Science and Philosophy” in its twelfth edition, will be, in order: “Digital Invasion: Neuroplasticity and the Time Factor in the Age of Evolution in the Age of Multimedia and in the Optometry of Technological Dependence” held by the neurologist Pierluigi Prostenghi4.45pm at the “San Carlo” Theatre; “Progress: One, Nothing… One Hundred Thousand” with Sociologist Dominic de Massy, scheduled at 18 in San Domenico Hall; Finally, the “Alphabet of Nature”, which will see the intervention of the physicist Roberto Battiston. The great cultural festival of Foligno will close, speaking on the 21 in the Hall of San Domenico.
an experience – Moving on to the “Workshop” of the “Festival of Science and Philosophy”, ie the “Experimenta” section hosted at Palazzo Candiotti, among the proposed laboratories: Cell biology: from paradigm to immersed experiment. In association with ITS Umbria Academy; “Let’s enjoy plant cells”with the high school “Fritzi Beta Angela” in Foligno; “(Paleo)Climate Changes and the Energy Transition: Sedimentary Rocks Tell Stories” with the University of Perugia; “#we make it” Sponsored by 3dBit; And “Gravitational waves: a new way to hear and understand the universe Edited by Flavio Travasso in collaboration with Unicam. The round table is also on the agenda Digital medicine between sustainability, effectiveness and innovation, scheduled at 3.30pm in the Sala Patente of the San Carlo Theatre. The speakers are: Mauro Zampolini, Medical Director of Foligno Hospital, Fabio Valtoni from Confindustria Medical Devices and economist Gian Mario Raghetti. And finally, the side events: the photographic exhibitions “The infinite importance of biodiversity” Edited by Lipu e “Via Lauretana: Foligno’s Connection to the Mountain Settlements”; Guided tours of the village of Rasiglia with the association “Rasiglia e le sue Sorgenti”; “A page of art in the city” in Oratorio della Nunziatella in collaboration with Ite “Scarpellini”; visiting “Innovators Since 1874: The Discovery of Clarichie’s Oil Mill”; Finally, Mind and bodya trek from Belfiore to Bali, among granaries, forests and waterfalls thanks to the collaboration with Valle Umbra Trekking.
The Science and Philosophy Festival is promoted and organized by ODV Experimental Science Laboratory In cooperation with Oicos Riflessioni Society, the Rotary Club Fabriano, the Municipality of Foligno and the municipality of Fabriano; Supported by Umbria regionlUmbria Legislative Assembly Based on Marche District.
Supporters – Entities supporting the “Festival of Science and Philosophy” are Foligno Savings Bank Foundationthe Foundation Casa di Resbarmio di Fabriano and Cupramontanathe Foundation “Valley”, there Perugia Province, there Umbria Chamber of Commerce And Intesa San Paolo.
sponsors – Organizes the twelfth “Festival of Science and Philosophy – Virtue and Canoscenza” under the auspices ofUniversity of PerugialUniversity for foreigners in PerugialGenoa UniversitylCamerino UniversitylUniversity of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, affiliateMarche Polytechnic University, affiliateMacerata UniversitylUmbria Regional School Office, affiliateRegional School Office for Parades Based on Aristide Merloni Foundation.
scientific partners – The scientific partners of the “Science and Philosophy Festival” are: National Research CouncilL’National Institute of Nuclear PhysicsL’National Institute of AstrophysicsL’Italian Space AgencyL’National Institute of Geophysics and VolcanologyL’Italian Institute of Technologythe Gran Sasso Science InstituteL’National Metrology Research Institute, L’Institute for Alternative Energies Physics and theEnnis.
Media Partners – This year, the Festival of Science and Philosophy also benefits from the media partnership of Rai culture.
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