“Covid vaccines saved two million lives”

“Covid vaccines saved two million lives”

Bologna, October 9, 2023 – Meeting. An in-depth look. Or rather, a journey between science and history brought together this afternoon. At the Academy of Sciences On the Zamboni route, one Big audience To listen to the professor Alberto Mantovani – Scientific Director of Humanitas in Milan – during the preview of the ninth edition of the Medical Sciences Festival (scheduled for On November 10 and 11), which is promoted by the Foundation for the Promotion and Study of Medical Sciences. The event – entitled “Immunity and vaccines: from cancer to Covid-19“- This is how he has highlighted, through a long journey, the great challenges, progress and goals of medicine. In the news of the last few days, Mantovani also wanted to point out that the Nobel Prize for Carrico and Weissmann “is more than deserved: a fair recognition for the work that has been done swimming against the current .

I like to think of it as a Nobel Prize for hope, especially since mRNA technology has changed the way we do research. It gave us new toolsWhich we are trying to put at the service of health.”

This Nobel Prize fuels the hope that this technology will help us obtain innovative medicines. Therapeutic vaccines. In reality, we only have preventive vaccines, but we are hopeful – and we are very encouraged on this path – that therapeutic cancer vaccines can be obtained, to be used in conjunction with the other immune weapons we have. Nobel Hope, Finally, obtaining effective vaccines against the major scourges of humanity, against which we do not yet have any vaccines, or we have old, poorly effective vaccines. “Such as against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.”

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Not only. Then Mantovani wanted to emphasize how “Don’t confuse mRNA With genetic modifications, because this is a source of bad information. When we get a viral infection, Our cells are full of mRNA Which encrypts all viral words. “But our DNA and genetic information has not been modified.”

Moreover, the meeting was also an opportunity to highlight, three years after the outbreak of the epidemic, On the topic of anti-Covid vaccines“It is estimated that in the first year of use, when we were dealing with a more aggressive virus, Vaccines have saved the lives of nearly twenty million people. Not only that – Mantovani continues. The virus mutates and we hunt it down, just as we do the influenza virus, and this technology promises to work almost as quickly as the virus. So the call is to get vaccinated, to protect yourself from acute disease and to protect yourself from long-term consequences. The data clearly shows that the vaccine Protection against “long Covid”.“”.

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