Covid, ‘Centaurus’ arrives: latest subspecies worries virologists

Covid, ‘Centaurus’ arrives: latest subspecies worries virologists

Renamed “Centaurus”: the Omicron sub variant Ba.2.75, was first discovered in India in early May and has since been recorded in a dozen countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Germany and Canada. The latest arrival among the Covid mutations worries virologists because it appears to have a higher transmission capacity than Omicron 5.

The European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) defined it on 7 July as a “variable to watch”. from the first surveys.the centaur” It may be “more transmissible or associated with more serious diseases, but the data on this front is still weak.” British virologists – reports Watchman – alerted by the number of additional mutations present in BA.2.75, compared to BA.2 ‘from which it likely evolved’.

“It’s not the individual mutations that worries us so much, but the number of mutation groups,” he explained to the paper. Tom Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College London, who was the first to identify Omicron as a potential problem in November 2021 – it’s hard to predict the effect of so many mutations together, a picture that gives the virus a kind of ‘wildcard’ property in which the sum of the parts can be worse from every part. Certainly “the centaur” It is a potential candidate to replace BA.5. Or maybe this is the kind of thing we’ll be dealing with next, which is “variable from variable”. “

The warning from British virologists came as MPs called for more efforts to be made to convince the nearly 3 million adults in England who have not yet received a single dose of Covid to give them the vaccine. While in Italy the campaign was for Fourth dose for those over sixty.

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